But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, July 25, 2011


This could get choppy...I apologize.

Adam and I were eating lunch today, discussing the wedding, specifically the cost of feeding people at the reception. I'm highly cost cautious, and trying to plan a wedding and maintain my frugal tendencies is proving to be quite the challenge. I got really frustrated with the conversation, and we just dropped it. I was kind of somber as we walked to Barnes & Noble. We're both wanting to keep the most important part of December 17th at the forefront of our planning: celebrating our marriage covenant with the people we love.

I was glad we planned to spend a couple of hours in the bookstore. We went our separate ways inside, and I mulled over my wedding dilemmas. I decided to change routes and just pick a book to start reading. I perused the cookbooks (some things don't change), scanned the educational books, and then headed for the biographies. It's been a while since I immersed myself in someone else's story, and I felt like today would be a good day.

As I scanned the shelves, I found a book that caught my eye. I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced. I picked it up, sat down, and began reading. After 19 pages, I was engulfed and needed to relocate to sit up against a wall as I continued reading.

Perhaps you are familiar with her story, but I was not. This little girl lived in a country village of Yemen where no one really knew her birthday nor could her parents say with confidence how old she was. In fact, her mom had to really use brain power to figure out the birth order of her children. Time was not kept with a calendar, just the rising and setting of the sun. Her mom birthed 16 children, several of them dying before they reached the age of 2 due to lack of any medical attention. She birthed her children on a wooden mat, cut the cord with a kitchen knife, and bathed her newborns in whatever water they could find. Life in this village was not easy, but young Nujood described it as paradise.

Her story unfolds; it involves moving and losing family members, a lot of change for a little girl. And at the age of 10, which is just a guess, her father married her off to a 30 year old man for the value of $750. Her husband violently consummated their marriage, and she was introduced to her new life as a wife. But better called a slave. At 10 years old. Night after night of beatings and horror, she came to hate her life and desperately wish for the nightmare to end.

At this point in the book, I'm physically ill and my mind is reeling, trying to wrap my brain around her life. I'm fully aware that this is not an isolated story. And I cannot fathom living out her story.

Her husband allows her to visit her family in the city, and she tells of her life, pleading for help. Her mom's response, "This is the life of a woman." Her dad refuses to help and even says she will dishonor him by doing anything other than staying with her husband. Can I reiterate that she is ten years old? She finally refused to re-enter her personal hell and marches straight to the courthouse, demanding a divorce. The story is long and detailed, but thankfully, she is victorious. At the age of 10, she does it. She gets divorced, finds freedom, and gains her life back. She re-enters school, returns home, and works through the pain and shame of her childhood trauma.

After I finished the book, I went and sat next to Adam who was sitting about 50 yards away, also against the wall, also reading a book. I put my head on his shoulder and the tears started flowing. Not to anyone's surprise, I'm sure. I tried to pull myself together. I took one look at Adam and started sobbing. He held me close and eventually I had to get up to find a bathroom. I know he was thinking, "WHY did she read that book?!"

But my wedding dilemma just became a non-issue.

As I cried on Adam, I couldn't help but frantically ask questions. Why am I so privileged that I was born in the States? Why did Nujood suffer so greatly and I not at all? Why is this still happening? How come little girls are victim of this all the time? The more questions I asked, the harder I cried.

My wedding day is going to look drastically different than Nujood's. I look forward to that day with excitement and longing, and she shuddered in fear and cried incessantly. I am thankful that our families have literally hundreds of people who want to celebrate this covenant with us. Nujood's own father sold her for $750. The gap between my wedding and her wedding will be indescribable.

I could barely look at Adam as I found composure. I felt so overwhelmed by the grace of God in my life. I couldn't get words out because it would have led to further breakdown. Why God chose to lavishly pour out His grace in my life, I will never know. I am so undeserving yet so grateful.

This little girl would talk about crying out to Allah, and my heart would just break. To live that life and recover from it without Jesus is unfathomable to me. The hopelessness of life is too dark. My heart longs to bring Jesus to people who know nothing but hopelessness. The saving and healing power of Jesus could radically change Nujood's life.

Thrust in my face is not just the gap in cultures, rights, and freedoms. Also the gap in who Christians are called to be and how we are currently representing Jesus Christ to the dying world around us. I suppose I should be more specific and make less generalizations. Though I would love to cast stones at the Western Church and how inward focused we have become, I must first examine my own short comings in this area.

I am called to be the salt of the Earth, a bringer of hope, and bearer of light. To passionately pursue justice on behalf of the oppressed and freedom for those in captivity. This is my heart beat, but one wouldn't know that at a cursory glance. I long to see the glory of God put on magnificent display in the darkest places. How I wish Nujood had a relationship with Jesus! As I entered into her story, I got a reminder of the broken and fallen world I live in. I have so much to be excited about right now and can easily go through a day without thinking about stories like Nujood, sadly.

As I continue to plan our wedding, I will inevitably get frustrated again. But I hope I can remember this little girl's story and close the gap on who Jesus wants me to be and who I currently am.

Heal my heart and make it clean. Open up my eyes to the things unseen. Show me how to love like You have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Everything I am for your Kingdom's cause.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Early Morning Reflections

This morning I lay in bed fiddling with my ring, genuinely enjoying the beauty of it. But the excitement about what it represents is what keeps bubbling up in me. Yes, it is gorgeous, but I get to marry Adam. He is a fine balance of strength and tenderness, but yesterday, his tender heart took over.

Adam was eager to pick me up yesterday morning, which was completely abnormal. He's a slow riser and doesn't move so quickly once he's up. He offered to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to take to the park with us and before I knew it, we were off to Edmond's beach, lunch and frisbee in stow.

Shockingly, Adam was fairly calm on the way to the beach. He did, however, miss the exit. Now I know, he was highly distracted, and it's surprising he didn't have to turn around more than once. We parked the car and casually walked through Edmonds as we headed towards the beach.

I was eager to sit down and eat my PB&J, but Adam just wanted to walk in the sand for a little bit. After telling me no repeatedly, he put our stuff down and pulled out a Bible. He read Ephesians 5:25-28 which talks about husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the church. He told me he would always try to do just that. He told me the Bible was a gift for me. On the front it said Marissa Nichole Tomberlin. Though I knew he was about to propose, there was an odd reaction to seeing that name.

He got down on one knee, and my mind started racing. I was literally thinking, "Oh my gosh! He's proposing. Pay attention to what he's saying!!" Unfortunately, I missed a lot of what he said as I was trying to coach myself to focus. What I do vividly remember, is the look on his face as he briefly reflected on the 3 year journey that brought him to that moment. The emotion was thick in his voice and his tears ready to surface. When he finished with, "Marissa, will you marry me?" I was literally speechless- which is not normal. I nodded my head and quickly kissed him.

And in the moments after the ring went on my finger, I wanted to freeze time. I stood there holding onto Adam as we laughed giddily and celebrated the goodness of God in our lives. We are so blessed and so deeply loved. Throughout the day I would look at my ring, and then look at Adam with confidence and joy and hopefulness. He's going to be my husband. Other than the fact that I genuinely enjoy spending time with Adam because he makes me laugh hysterically and makes life more enjoyable, I look forward to our future because I know without a shadow of doubt that Adam loves God immeasurably more than he loves me. He desires to push us closer to Him and walk whatever road God has for us with a submissive heart. That is a man I want to do life with.

My parents and my sister surprised me by being just a couple blocks away from the proposal site, and I walked into a coffee shop to find them there waiting. I can't adequately express how much that blessed me. I knew going into engagement that I didn't really have people in Seattle that would be excited for me (other than my team full of teenagers and my preschool parents), so having them here to celebrate with us meant so very much to me. Their enthusiasm for this season of my life and eagerness to embrace this man is a gift I hope I stay grateful for in the coming months. Adam's parents are coming Monday, and I thankfully will get to spend a whole week with my family in Florida very soon. Ryann Grace is already pumped to wear a fancy dress in my wedding!

Some other morning, I hope to take the time to reflect on the journey over the past year. God's faithfulness and grace are constant themes in my life. I'm really excited to be right where I am, and I feel so loved by God.

And that is my engagement story.