But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, December 17, 2012

1 Year

It's hard to believe that a year has passed since our wedding day. I feel completely uninspired to say anything profound about our first year of marriage. 

But it's been good. Really, really good.

We celebrated yesterday, and while at dinner we were talking about things that surprised us within our first year of marriage. Like the fact that we didn't really have any explosive fights like we thought we would. And that living with a boy/girl wasn't weird at all. 

I still thoroughly enjoy spending time with Adam. I love his companionship, and I think it's crazy awesome that I get to come home to him each day. I've only grown fonder of him and have more respect for him. 

Not to completely romanticize this year-- we certainly had times of tension. We had our fair share of selfish moments and realizing how that impacts each other. We've cried through some hard times and watched our bank accounts drop rapidly with only 1 of us working. 

But we've also celebrated God's provision in our marriage over and over and over again. We've celebrated our differences and rejoiced that we aren't the same!! One of me is enough. 

The ups and downs are all part of what I call a really, really good first year of marriage. 

As I waited for my team to take the floor on Saturday for their first competition, I looked in the stands at my husband, wearing our team shirt and easily the loudest one there. I knew he didn't have to be there. I knew he didn't actually want to be there. But he was there. Because he is my biggest fan. My loudest cheerleader. My faithful support system.

I've loved being married to Adam, and I am forever grateful he's mine.