But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Baby Boy

Nolan is 6.5 weeks, and there's so much I don't want to forget about our sweet boy. 

Nolan slept through the night last night. I know that doesn't mean he'll do it again tonight, but I really appreciated the sleep. The night before involved a lot of getting up for this momma. When I woke up at 6am when Adam's alarm went off, I happily declared, "Nolan slept through the night!!" Then I looked at the baby monitor to be sure it was still on. Naturally, I had to walk in his room to make sure he was still breathing and everything was okay. 

Nolan is such a little cuddler. Sometimes when I'm holding him, he'll move his face as close to mine as possible and just leave it there. I like to think he's asking me to smother his face with kisses. Happy to oblige. Sometimes on the weekends, when he wakes up 15 minutes earlier than usual in the morning, Adam or I will let him lay on top of us and snuggle. We'll try to put him in the middle of our chest, but he'll kick and scoot his way up our bodies to be right near our faces. *adorable* 

I'm convinced little man is smiling intentionally now. It's not because of gas or the happiness that follows his finished poop session. He'll smile at me if I work hard enough. And sometimes I don't have to work all that hard at all. 

We love Nolan so, so much. I know this goes without saying. But there are moments days, when my heart is just so full. Don't get me wrong. I've had plenty of frustrations, moments of complete inadequacy, and confusion, but Nolan has enriched our lives in ways we didn't know possible. We weren't trying to get pregnant last year, but I'm so glad we did!! This little boy belongs in our family, in our home, and specifically, in my arms! :) 

Sometimes when we're rocking Nolan, right before he drifts off into lala land, he'll open just one eye and peak at us in the most precious way. It's like he's checking that we're still there. Once that pirate eye closes, Nolan is usually a goner and in peaceful sleep. 

Nolan, my love, we are oh so crazy about you! I love when you rest your adorable head against my chest and just relax with me. I love the way you stare at your Daddy when he's giving you a bath. I love the ways you've cranked up my prayer life as I daily lift you up and thank God for placing you in our family. We will never be the same again because of you.