But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

1 Month-- Isaac style

Well, we did it! We made it a whole month with 2 under 2. Having a baby for the second time is much easier than the first. Now, having a toddler who is transitioning to the new creature in the house- not as easy! 

At this point, Isaac is a pretty chill baby. I know that there is still plenty of time for that to change. I think babies really start coming into their own at 6 weeks. He'll be 5 weeks tomorrow. A laid back baby would fit this family just great. 

Issac has fallen into a nice schedule, but again, I know babies change a lot. I feel like as soon as I get comfortable with the rhythm we've got going on things will inevitably change. The good thing is, I think we're a little more laid back this time around. 

The pediatrician recommended Isaac have tummy time 6-8 times a day. HA. HA. I'm lucky if I get it done once a day!!! 

I definitely think Isaac is growing faster than Nolan did. That belly of his is so cute!! He's getting some meat on his legs. I'm very curious to see if this kid is going to have chipmunk cheeks like his brother did. His hair is still a mystery. Sometimes it really looks like it's going to be auburn. But then other days I'm sure it's light brown. We'll see. 

All in all, a month of Isaac in this Tomberlin family has been great. I love snuggling him in the middle of the night. I love watching Nolan rub his head. I love his super soft cheeks that need to be kissed. The transition has been not the easiest on my Nolan, but I get glimpses of how much Nolan will love having a playmate. Eventually.