But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

T E N months

We're on a very fast downhill sprint towards this little boy's first birthday, and I just can't handle it. I'm not one to say, "Where has the time gone?" But in this instance, WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE? It seems like a few weeks ago we were wrestling through the decision of whether I should be induced or not. And now this. Now my baby is speed crawling towards toddlerhood. 

Isaac is currently hardcore fighting his afternoon nap. He's got 3 (maybe 4) teeth coming in all at the same time, and it's made for some hard times for him. He's truly handled it like a champ. He hasn't wanted to eat as ferociously as he normally does, and he's wanted a little bit more of Mommy (read: a lot more). But I've been quite pleased with his pain tolerance at this point. 

Isaac is standing on his own and often. He likes to stand up and just clap for himself. I mean, who doesn't need a good standing ovation every once in a while? 

Isaac had his first hotdog this month, and he's a fan!! He's tried lots of new foods, and he's been pretty easy-going about the process. I'm ready to introduce peanut butter as recommended by the pediatrician. But I'm nervous about it, just like I was with Nolan. Isaac has eaten scrambled egg, and that's a huge win in my book. 

This little guy has NOT been a fan of being left in the church nursery. He's doing better, but this past Sunday when Adam walked down the hall towards his room he started crying. Made me sad. I left Nolan a lot more frequently than I've left Isaac, since I was coaching during his first 8 months of life. Isaac has a lot of Mama time, and he's not complaining about it. 

Isaac has started to get the concept of cleaning up the cars, and he verrrry slowly helps put cars in the tote, and it might be the cutest thing ever. 

Other cute Isaac-isms: sucking his thumb to the side while he holds my hair, his expressive little eyebrows which he raises quite frequently, and his naked booty crawl towards the tub as soon as we take his clothes off. 

Not so cute Isaac-isms: he's started dropping food of his tray at the table, he talk/yells very loudly when he's not pleased with the speed in which he's being fed, and in the last week or so he's started getting up at 7 instead of 7:30, but honestly- I don't think I can even complain about that. 

One thing I really, really love and cherish about my babies is their soft and squishy thighs. I love them. LOVE them. But as I've mentioned before, you can't really do much to capture that piece of babyhood. Pictures and videos are great, but I want to always remember how these soft baby thighs felt in my hands. I've been having Isaac go pantless a lot more frequently, so I can enjoy his full and soft thighs before they becoming walking/running/jumping legs. 

I'm all kinds of mushy for my baby boy these days.