But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

My Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday (a few days late), Isaac Dean!

This was the first year you got excited about your birthday, and it was so cute watching your eyes light up as we got closer and closer. Other than presents and cake, I'm not sure what birthdays mean to you at this point. But it was so fun to make your day special in little ways.

You are often quite easy to please, little boy. Your little legs start jumping up and down, and you tilt your head back as you squeal. It's just precious to watch your excitement. 

This year you were a gift to me in so many ways. You're always a gift, but this year, I took the time to treasure it more. Even though you love to keep up with every single thing Nolan does, a part of you hung on to your littleness more than Nolan did at this age. You still found the most comfort in being with me, and there were times your lingering hugs were exactly what I needed. 

I got to watch you become a big brother to Sammy. You were a young two when he joined our family, and it was a shocking shift for all of us. You frequently looked for reassurance from me about all this change, but you stepped into your new role so well. Your affection and attention to Sammy's needs were different than Nolan. You had a companionship with Sammy that Nolan didn't know. You had two mornings a week when it was just the two of you. Though you often and easily got frustrated with Sammy's inability to read your mind and play exactly as you wanted him to, you did thoroughly enjoy his nearness. It was a sweet thing to watch. 

And it was sweet to watch your bond with Nolan deepen. The animosity and arguing also grew, but I think that's just part of brotherhood. 

Isaac, I love you so much. You have such a tender heart and are so easy to love! There is something about your smile that is irresistible. You are fun and silly and a joy to our family. I often pray that you will be a striking combination of brave and tender. You have the potential to soften people with your kindness and tenderness, and I want you to be brave enough to be exactly who God created you to be. 

You are a delight, my little boy! You've really turned things up a notch as far as training you, but I knew this was coming. I'm thankful those little legs still come racing at me for hugs and kisses. I love being your mama, baby bear!

I love you. I like you. I enjoy you. I'm proud of you.
Happy Birthday, Isaac!

Love you,

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Three Years of Isaac

Three years old. How can it be?! Three years old turned out to be a very trying year for me and Nolan, so I come into this age with Isaac with a little bit of fear and trembling. Though he and Nolan are so different, Isaac has become an expert imitator. Help me, Jesus. 

For most of the last year, Isaac was still sweet as syrup. Terrible twos were no where to be found. But we eventually discovered them in winter. He still tells me several times a day without being provoked that he loves me. Every night when we talk about what we're thankful, he always, always says Mommy, Daddy, Nolan, Sammy, and Ezra. He loves holding babies. He really can be quite tender, especially towards me.

Which leads me to this: Isaac is absolutely still a Mama's boy. I don't know how much longer this will last, but he still wraps his whole body around me in big hugs. He tells me often after I cook dinner, "Mommy, you're a great maker!" Each night Adam and I alternate who snuggles the boys at bedtime, and every.single.time. that it's Adam, Isaac does something to let it be known he wishes it was Mommy. I usually find his devotion sweet and adorable, but there are times that it's not. I'll just leave it at that.

That cute little belly of his that you can see poking out- it's gone now. The squishy toddler physique has turned into slender little boy. The kid can still eat more than Nolan. His appetite is unreal. He loves pizza, pasta, meatballs, sweet potato fries, scrambled eggs, donuts, cheese, and all the fruit. He's an excellent veggie eater, too. 

Isaac is generally a very lovable little boy. He's silly and quick to laugh. He's got a smile that will just turn your heart mushy. He's full of expressions and full of energy. 

A few months ago we decided that we wanted to begin breaking Isaac of sucking his thumb. So, we told him he could only suck his thumb at naps and bedtime. He used to come find me, suck his thumb, and hold my hair several times throughout the day. We figured this habit would be a tough one to break. We were wrong. He just stopped doing it cold turkey during the day. In the several months since we started this, I've only had to remind him probably a handful of times that he can only suck his thumb for sleep times. Quite impressive, in my opinion! 

This sweet boy became a big brother with no warning at all when we opened our home to Sammy. The first couple of weeks, Isaac became quite clingy and was unsure of the new set-up. But he settled in so much quicker than I expected. Sammy and Isaac were only 15 months apart, so it was much different than if we had a newborn for him to get used to. He did fall into a big brother role very nicely. He was still incredibly rough, but he often had good intentions. He has missed having a little one around the house since Sammy has transitioned out. 

My little mysterious blue eyed, blond haired wonder! Isaac is full of mischief and often times TROUBLE! But he is irresistible! I'm so thankful for this little boy who continues to bring laugher and joy to our days.