But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Half Birthday Time

6 Months of Elliana Joy!!!

Elliana was right at 15 pounds at her 6 month check-up. She's consistently in the 50th percentile for height and 25th-30th percentile for weight. AKA- still a peanut! She doesn't look like a feather weight when she's just in her diaper, but she's a petite girl. Those cheeks though- they are looking mighty delicious. 

She's been working on solids for a month now, and I'm a little discouraged with her very slow (no?) progress. As a breastfeeding Mama, I've had my eyes on the beautiful 4 hour schedule, and it seems just out of reach because she won't eat solids. I'm usually happy if she gets a tablespoon consumed. She does okay with sweet potatoes, carrots, and banana avocado puree. But everything else she has been entirely uninterested in, often times refusing to even open her mouth to take a bite. I am going to experiment with just giving her regular table food and see if that goes better. She did full on throw up after eating a mix of prunes and oatmeal, and her willingness to eat dropped significantly after that. I know this too shall pass.

We busted out the jumperoo. Because of said littleness, she hasn't quite figured out how to jump. But she'll hang out in it for a bit. Both of the boys would go completely nutso in this thing by this age. She does like when we make it bounce, but she has made no attempts to do it herself. 

Super pumped to say this girl is sleeping in a regular sleep sack now. The process of getting her to this point was mostly easy, and I'm so thankful for that. She's taking 3 naps a day. She's 100% a pacifier baby at this point. Adam and I did not always see eye to eye on this, but she loves her paci. If she wakes up in the night, she just wants her paci, and that's it. While I'm happy it's an easy fix, I'm a little concerned homegirl is very dependent on it to sleep. But oh well. Here we are. 

Elliana loves her Mama! And I'm not complaining. She's perfectly content with Adam, but she often has her eyes fixed on me, watching my every move waiting for the right time to reach for me. She loves my hair and likes to put it in her mouth (gross!). She also loves her bath, her crinkle paper, her paci, her brothers, and her Daddy. She's talking more and more and still showing zero signs of getting mobile beyond rolling. No complaints here. 

This little lady is all sorts of sweetness. She has had a very, very fussy few days recently. I can't help but wonder if teething is upon us, but otherwise, she's been a happy dream baby, and I'm so thankful for her. 

This was on her actual half birthday, and she gave me the greatest gift of falling asleep on my chest. She was needing to be held every moment of being awake this evening, and that eventually led to dozing in and out of sleep right here. She NEVER does this, and it's how I know something isn't feeling all the way right for my baby girl. But I savored the sweetness and her precious self on me.