But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

My Rhino

 Dear Isaac,

Against all instruction from your mother, you turned six. SIX! You often seem older than that because of the ways you strive to keep up with Nolan. In fact, as I think about it, you seem less and less like a little kid. And I don't like it. I do know that you are still a little kid, but it's not unusual to see you holding your own with the other elementary school boys in the neighborhood. You can be one tough kid! 

You are such a fun boy, Isaac. God made you in such a way that people just enjoy being around you. You will play anything. You will run, tackle, jump, race, bike, or anything else to join in the fun. You are good at being physical, and you do not seem deterred if you are the smallest in the gang. You still go for it. I love that about you. 

You also have a tender and squishy heart. You like for everyone to be happy, not just you. You are quick to share, even on your actual birthday when you don't have to. This year you got a dinosaur painting kit. It came with 4 dinosaurs to paint, and you let Nolan paint 2 of them. I think you so enjoy doing things with Nolan that you are able to recognize that sharing the experience is more important than hoarding the items. People ARE more important to you. 

You are a good big brother, Isaac. I hope you love and look out for Elliana always. You have good protective instincts, and we joke that you have the finesse of a rhino. So, I think of that as a good combination when it comes to protecting your sister. She gets genuinely excited to see you, and you love that about her. (Who wouldn't?!) I can just hear you excitedly screaming, "ELLIE!" 

My big six year old, I love you. I love who you are growing into, and I'm so glad I get to be the one cheering you on. When your PE teacher asked you what the best part of your birthday was, you answered, "Going on a date with my mom." And I teared up immediately. You are sweet to your Mama. Let's not stop that anytime soon! 

I love you. I like you. I enjoy you. I'm proud of you.

Love you always,


Isaac is 6!!

 I don't know what crafty magic has caused time to move forward at uncomfortable, unbelievable speeds. But Isaac is 6 years old. It just doesn't seem possible that he's moved on from being able to show you how old he is with just one hand. Now he needs 2. It's sorcery or something. 

Isaac has done Pre-K this year at the same school he was at last year. He's come a long way, too! He's starting to sound out words and does his reading homework really well. He is the oldest kid in his class, and his teachers can tell. They told me he's definitely a leader, and they can count on him to be on task. I've taught Pre-K. I know that's not true of A LOT of boys this age. It was a big bummer for me to not be able to have any involvement in his class at all due to Covid. I'm thankful he was able to go to school, but it made for a different year. 

Isaac is still my tender hearted kid, sometimes overly sensitive. It's hard to figure out if in certain situations he truly feels things more deeply or if he's milking it. Right now, empathy is not hard for him. Something I hope we can foster in him as he gets older. I'm convinced at least half of his tearful outbursts are because his feelings are hurt, not his body. 

Speaking of which- the kid is rock solid! We joke that his spirit animal is a rhino. When he runs at you full force, brace yourself or move out of his way! If we let our kids play football, he could really be a star. He weighs only 2 pounds less than Nolan, and he loves that! He is perpetually trying to hang with Nolan at everything. It will not surprise me if he is a good athlete. He LOVED playing soccer this spring, and he's got the tenacity to be quite the force on the field. It's so fun to watch him play. I looked forward to it each week. 

Isaac still loves baking with me. He's really getting good at it, too. He helps me enough that when I ask him what ingredient is next, he probably has a good guess. He loves cracking the eggs the most!

All in all, Isaac is an easy kid. So fun, so enthusiastic, so generally happy! He goes with the flow. He adapts when necessary. He is quick to help. I am nervous that I see some people pleasing tendencies in him, but I know that I'm also very sensitive to middle children. But he does get upset when he knows I'm disappointed. I have to be really careful with how I react to simple mistakes because he overreacts to them. He's watched some struggles we've had with Nolan and makes an effort to NOT do those things. While the thought of having a kid who wants to make me happy is alluring, I know that under that could be a lot of insecurity. I've got my eye on that one! 

Isaac ADORES Elliana. He mentions her cuteness multiple times a day, and he is just thrilled to have her around. She is getting to the age that she can annoy him by messing up his play space, but for the most part, he delights in her and every thing she does. When he comes to me crying, he quickly also looks for Elliana for a hug. I'm not sure whose hug is more comforting- hers or mine. 

Isaac Dean- the kid who had the "best day ever" at least 100 times in the past year. He loves big (and hard!) and is easy to enjoy! I can't believe kindergarten is on the horizon for that kid!