But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It's a BOY!

My appointment was a week ago, and no, the details of the day aren't fresh on my mind. 

I do remember getting dressed in a blue shirt thinking, "I'm going to be really surprised if they tell me this baby is a girl." Adam had changed his guess to girl the night before, but I had become fairly confident that Henry was a boy (once I thought about all of my dreams that have not been accurate). 

The appointment was 2 things: very neat and very long. 

I loved seeing our active baby's hands and feet as he kicked and squirmed. We got to see his face and watch him yawn. He's a cutie! I knew going into the appointment that this was likely going to be my only ultrasound for the duration of the pregnancy, so I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. It was cool to feel Henry moving and watch him move at the same time. 

Once the gender was revealed, the ultrasound tech said several times, "Your boy is not bashful at all!" Great! 

I was so thrilled to hear Henry was a boy. I've always loved having an older brother, and if I ever have daughters, I'm glad they'll have Henry as a big brother. 

Adam was insistent that his son needed some overalls. So, we went out that evening to get Henry some overalls.

Just so you know, Oshkosh has quite the assortment of overalls. Oh, my goodness! 

I kept quiet on the gender at school until I could tell my whole team together on Friday. I told my 4s class on Friday, too.

I made everyone in all of my classes make a guess.

I have 22 students all together, and only 7 of them are girls. So, I knew I'd be boy heavy on the guesses. But there were 2 boys who guessed girl, and I was shocked. 

Each kiddo in my 4s class was given a bag of blue and pink/red items (blueberries, grapes, assorted candies, etc), and they had to graph them according to color. 

It was a close race, but blue won! 

Naturally, my students then wanted to know if Henry was ready to come out or not. My 4s class is so sad the baby is coming during summer, and they won't get to see him. Though I have been invited over for play dates AS SOON as the baby comes out. 

A little girl in one my 3s classes is particularly intrigued by the baby growing in my tummy. She likes to high 5 my belly and talk to the baby. I know she's gonna go crazy when she can put her hand on my belly and feel Henry move. She's asked me twice if the baby is inside my skin while looking at me unconvinced when I try to explain to her where the baby is. 

It's been fun having preschoolers and high schoolers join in the excitement of growing Henry (also going to reiterate that Henry is not the baby's name). We are pumped and looking forward to seeing his sweet face. But we are not wanting to rush the next 20 weeks.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Boy or Girl

Tomorrow is the big day! 

We get to sneak a peak at Henry. We're so excited! I can't wait to see Henry's little face. We haven't gotten to look at Henry since my 9 week appointment, and at that point, Henry looked like a gummy bear. Rumor has it that Henry will actually look like a baby tomorrow! 

We also might be a tad (read: extremely) excited to find out if Henry is a boy or a girl. Though my dreams tell me I'm having a girl, Adam and I both are thinking it's a boy. I realize that just 2 weeks ago I was saying girl, but I'm going to stick with my initial guess that it's a boy. 

And if it's a girl...WOW!! I'm going to start paying closer attention to my dreams.