But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, January 30, 2015

29 weeks

My Little Simba,

I got an e-mail today saying, "Your baby is coming in 11 weeks!" 11 weeks?! Is that possible?! Are we already to the point of counting down the weeks that are left? 11 weeks feels like nothing! Now, I have a feeling that in about 6 weeks I'll be seriously doubting the ability of my stomach to continue growing and accommodating you. But alas! I know it will. 

I don't say this out loud much, but I think it everyday: I cannot wait to hold you, baby boy. I'm so excited to snuggle your little self and feel your skin against mine. I want to wonder at your tiny toes and trace the outline of your perfect face. I want to hold you close and breathe you in. I'm so happy I get to be your Mama. 

I know lots of people will want to hold you and gaze at your you-ness. But can I tell you something? I'm probably not going to want to share. I will. But I probably won't want to. Because your tiny self changes into a bigger version so much faster than I even think is possible. You grow so much, so fast. 

I'm so excited (and a little nervous) for you to meet your big brother. Oh, he's just the best! Nolan will teach you all about jumping and spinning and animals and outside. He might be rough with you, baby boy. He might be sad at first when he doesn't get every bit of my attention. But let me tell you this- he is going to make you laugh! He is as silly as they come. He'll love you something fierce and be your first friend. And I'm so glad for that. 

I'm so curious to see you. Will you look like your big brother? Will you have dark hair? Will you get chunky cheeks or be long and lean? I can only smile and wonder right now. I know you'll be perfect. Because you'll be you. And you'll be  mine! 

Your Daddy and I love you more than you can fathom. Even when you do your circus acts in the most uncomfortable of places in my tummy. I'm so eager to meet you, Simba. To see your face and kiss your little cheeks. To lay you on my chest and feel your heart beat against me. Your Mama is already crazy about you! Keep growing. Keep getting stronger. 11 weeks will be come and go before we know it. 

I love you, baby boy.

Ps- Let's strike a mutual agreement that you're going to come out like a good boy and not take 3 days like your brother did. Ok, thanks.  

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