But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Looking Back at 2019

It's becoming a thing now, but I really didn't think I'd have margin to get this written out. I've been thinking about how I usually do a look back before the year ends, but I assumed it wouldn't happen. But here it goes.

In so many ways, 2019 was another brutal year. BUT.
But Elliana Joy came into our family, and that is such an overwhelming bright spot that it really does help cast a shadow on all that was hard. When I think back to my wrap up of 2018, I'm shocked that I'm already back here at another year's end. 

When I think back to what has stood out from this year, aside from Elliana, it's mostly the hard stuff. The hard stuff of 2018 seemed to be centered around loss. The hard stuff of 2019 has been a different kind of hard. But I want to try to remember some high points first. 

For some reason, the gender reveal with my friends stands out to me. They all put effort and time and money into a small gathering for them all to be able to find out together if we were having a boy or a girl. We just did it at Fellowship's playground, but I left feeling so unbelievably loved. They were  so excited to find out what baby Tomberlin was going to be. We have a picture of us spraying all of them with pink silly string, and it brings a smile to my face just looking at it. 

The boys' school has been a tremendous blessing to our family. Talk about an unexpected joy! There is so much I like about this school. I was initially trying to get them into that school because of how close it is to our house, but it has been so much more than I could have hoped for. Nolan's teacher is INCREDIBLE. I'm in awe of her, and I have often joked that I wish she could mentor me. Isaac's teacher adores him, and that is truly all I wanted for that boy. I'm so grateful we got that call just days before Elliana was born that Nolan had made it off the wait list and into the class. 

I can't not mention Elliana. I look at her every day and marvel. I'm so deeply grateful she's here. I think my boys as babies were just as enthralled with me as she is, but honestly, I don't remember. The look on her face when she seems me- I can't believe it. I can't believe I have a daughter who I get to delight in, and she equally delights in me. And watching Nolan and Isaac with her- forget about it. Done. Melted. Isaac seeks reassurance often that no one is taking her from us, and I often wonder if maybe having Sammy leave our home had more of an impact on him than I realized. We all adore Elliana, and I love being her Mama. 

This has been by far the hardest year of marriage for us. When peers would talk about being in a difficult season of marriage, I truly did not understand. My relationship with Adam had been so easy. Marriage was fun. Sure, we had little things here and there, who doesn't? But this year, this year has been hard. In September, I went to see a counselor for some help. She asked me why I was there, and I started back with the first miscarriage and talked through why I was there. When I was done, she said, "Wow! Marissa, that sounds so painful! I'm so sorry." And I broke down. I went into counseling thinking she was going to tell me everything I could be doing better, but her first response was compassion. That moment, her response, was deeply impactful for me. 

I have a lot of hope that my 2020 recap is going to be different. Meaning, I'm hopeful for what God is going to continue to do in us next year. In a lot of ways I'm coming out of survival mode and the postpartum haze. Life since Elliana was born has especially been exhausting. Not because I had a newborn, obviously that did play a part, but I had never been so needed by all members of this Tomberlin family. I can remember someone texted asking me a question that could have been answered with their own efforts, and I nearly cried. I was breaking. I couldn't help anyone else because Adam needed me so much as he was living through anxiety, and clearly my children needed me. I mean, my daughter needs me to you know, EAT! One morning the song Yes I Will by Vertical Worship came on, and I cried and realized regardless of what is going on, I can offer praise. Worship could be my most powerful weapon. Sadly, I don't always remember this in the low moments. 

2019 brought me a healthy baby girl, and for that it's one of the best years of my life. But otherwise, it's been another year that has me wanting to say, BYE!!! Next December, Adam and I will celebrate 9 years of marriage. We had planned to go back to where we honeymooned for our 10 year anniversary, but we've decided that we will try to pull it off for our 9 year anniversary because dang it, we believe we will be celebrating all that God has done! And if we can celebrate, I want to!

2020, let's do this!! 

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