But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, March 9, 2020

SEVEN months

Elliana girl is 7 months! It was a big month for my little nugget. 

We have officially transitioned to a 4 hour schedule. I am so thankful! It's only one less feeding, but it makes such a big difference for me. As someone who doesn't love breastfeeding, I appreciate the extra hour between feedings. She's still taking two good naps and then one catnap before dinner.

This precious girl got to try peanut butter for the first time, and she broke out in hives almost immediately. Insert all of the sad and crying faces. Even with Benadryl, she had hives all day. Thankfully, there was nothing more severe than the hives. We are a peanut butter loving family, so this was a big disappointment. The next week she got the above irritated skin around her mouth after eating yogurt. Sweet baby girl had to go to the allergist AND get blood drawn to test for peanut, eggs, and milk. She's confirmed allergic to peanuts, and we'll find out tomorrow about the eggs and milk. They won't test for tree nuts yet, so for the time being- no nuts or nut butters of any kind.

This little one is showing all signs that crawling is in her near future. She gets up on all fours all the time, and she's moving backward and side to side. I still think it could take her a bit to really get the hang of it, but she's so dang cute when she's trying. Our world will change when she's mobile. Especially when I think about her peanut allergy. 

Elliana has found her toes, and she is so cute about it. She likes chomping on pretty much anything (my hair is still her favorite), and I'm convinced teeth are coming. I swear the first teeth take SO LONG to actually come in. 

Look at that face! She's starting to do all sorts of hilarious and adorable expressions. I love those little cheeks so much, and I can't believe I get to smooch them every day. I really feel like babies' personalities start coming out even more once they are crawling and sitting up on their own. I'm savoring Elliana as she is right now. I'm mindful that change is ahead- teeth and crawling and getting more independent. I have no doubt that I will delight in her as she gets bigger, but I'm also wanting to treasure this stage right now. Because as everyone knows, there's no going back. 

We are all crazy about Elliana, and the love between her and her brothers is growing. She loves watching their absolute crazy antics, and they will stop at nothing to make her smile and laugh. I love their mutual love for each other. She might be the family favorite right now.

What a month for my girl- allergic reaction to peanuts, a visit to the allergist, blood drawn, she's been a champ. 

I'm hoping the 8th month is a little less exciting! 

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