But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

10 months SO LATE

I was doing fairly well with these until this one. I'm so late. She's going to be 11 months next Sunday. It will be hard for me to remember what was going on between 9 and 10 months, but I am going to try. My little squishy is still the yummiest, sweetest, most delightful baby. Aboslutely no bias whatsoever. 

Feeding this little one is probably the biggest stressor about her. She reacts to things that I can't always figure out and feeding her often takes so much thought and effort. There is very little convenient food that she can have, but as she gets teeth, that will hopefully change. But she does love avocado, bananas, blueberries, grapes, and beans. I'm wanting to transition her completely to table food, but her diet is limited combined with how frustrating it is to have her break out in hives for eating something that l can't pinpoint. 

This little girl still loves and favors her Mama. Adam will often say, "You know there's two of us that love you!" I don't feel the least bit bad about the favoritism. I feel like I've earned it. 

For Mother's Day, Adam gifted me a photo shoot with one of his coworkers who has a videography business on the side. The above picture is from that shoot. (Photo credit: Katelyn Pike) Things this little beauty loves: going on walks outside, baths, dogs (especially Jax), her brothers' shenanigans, honking her Daddy's nose, and being near her Mama. 

This girl- she's getting so big, and I love every bit of her. I'm so thankful she's in our family. The boys still regularly exclaim, "She's SO CUTE!" or, "I just love her so much!" or, "I want to squeeze her!" Our Elliana Joy Joy as we often call her truly is a joy to this family. Right now, I'm loving everything about this stage, and some nights I get a twinge of disappointment that the day is over and Elliana will be a little older. I have not grieved her growth at all this past year. I've been thankful for her life and her health and just her being here with us. But there's a little bit of sadness creeping in lately. Mostly because I know the thief that time is, and I can feel time moving too quickly. 

Oh, Elliana. I'll always love you, baby girl. 

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