But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, July 27, 2020

My Nolan

Dear Nolan,

Happy Birthday, Buddy! You are seven years old. We kept joking that we weren't sure we were going to let you have a birthday this year, that we might just have to wait until next year. To which, of course, you were deeply disturbed by and had zero sense of humor about at all. Turns out, we couldn't stop you from turning seven, so I might as well embrace the change. 

Nolan, one of the greatest joys of this past year has definitely been watching you be a big brother to Elliana. You take such delight in her and care for her so well. I think it's highly unusual for a boy your age to be so aware of a baby sibling. You are protective and nurturing, kind and tender. But you are also big time fun for her. She often rewards you with squeals and giggles for all of your nonsense. She lights up when she sees you, and it's precious to watch your relationship with her grow. I hope you always have a special bond with her. I know you will always be important to her, and I hope she's always important to you. 

You showed us you are quite a good student. You have an inclination for reading and memorizing that will hopefully serve you well in the school years to come. Your mind really does seem like its a steel trap. Playing memory with you is so hard!! It's remarkable how good you are at that game! It's also a little infuriating for your brother. 

Bud, it feels like big changes are coming for you this year. I'm not going to sugar coat it: I'm nervous. When I think about all of the things I'm nervous about, it mostly boils down to the fact that I so badly want to protect you. And I know that I can't always do that. But I'm going to work really hard to keep home a place you want to be. A place you look forward to. You'll be going to school all day now, and it feels like the final chapter of the "little years" has closed. And while I love seeing you grow and change and become a bigger version of you, it also feels overwhelming. The job of shepherding you seems to get harder, not easier. I continue to pray that you see God's grace in all of the gaps, all of my shortcomings. 

You are a cool kid, Nolan. You definitely drive me crazy sometimes. You are stubborn and argumentative, but you also have a firm belief in right and wrong. As you get older, I can see how this could be used in so many redemptive ways. Your drive to get things right will serve you well down the road. In the meantime, we battle it out pretty regularly. I wish I was joking. 

I love you, Nolan. You made me a Momma 7 years ago. You are an easy person to celebrate, and I'm so glad you were born.

I love you. I like you. I enjoy you. And I'm proud of you. 

Happy Birthday, Noles!


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