But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

[insert title]

I always have lots to say but never the time I want to put my thoughts together. So, this won’t be thought provoking. Just my ramblings for right now...

:: This has been one of the best fall seasons I’ve ever experienced!! The weather has been beautiful and nothing like I expected. Soon to change, but for now, a wonderful surprise!

:: On Monday, one of the parents in my 4s class came up to me and said that “Bob” wasn’t feeling good on Saturday and had a hard time swallowing his food because it hurt his throat. He stopped and said, “I need to tell Miss Rodriguez.” His mom was confused and asked why. He answered, “Because I know she’ll pray for me.” If my kiddos aren’t the brightest at the end of the year, I hope they at least know that, yes, I’ll always pray for them!

:: I’ve discovered that one of my current passions is to let kids be kids. While doing a shaving cream activity on Friday, I wanted to tell them to stop being so messy and try not to get too crazy. Thankfully, I stopped myself before I could enforce adult behavior on their 4 year old selves. I want them to be 4. I want them to be messy when given the opportunity. I want them to have great imaginations and ask silly questions and tell me their stories. I want my 6th graders to be 6th graders. They aren’t little adults. So, I shouldn’t treat them like they are. Or have expectations that they are.

:: I have to assess all of my students and ask them a series of questions about colors, numbers, letters, etc. They also have to do things like write their name, cut on a line, stand on one foot, and sort items. The last part is asking them what they want to be when they grow up. One of my 3 year old boys answered. “I want to be 5 and big.”

:: I regularly get prayer requests for the Star Wars characters and all of the Disney princesses.

:: I still get mistaken for a high school student on an almost weekly basis. This week- 3 times!

:: My friend is coming on Wednesday, and I. CANNOT. WAIT. It’s hard for me to adequately express my excitement over visitors. I like that my parents have a glimpse into my world. And now someone else will too. And that’s exciting!! Not to mention I haven’t seen her since July.

:: I’m content. My life is a little hectic. I don’t have much community here, but it’s improving! I don’t necessarily find every part of this season easy or fun, but I’m content where I am. I was driving back from meeting up with someone in the actual city part of Seattle, and I said aloud, “I love living here!” I really do love Seattle.

:: As much I love Seattle, Chick-fil-A, Moe’s, and Willy’s are noticeably missing from my life. In that order.

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