But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

He's here!

Last Friday, boyfriend arrived in Seattle to stay. His gracious and generous dad made the 4 day journey out here, and he helped Adam settle in to his new apartment. I'm 100% confident Adam's dad was given certain tasks to accomplish by his wife who was not feeling so wonderful about the move. In fact, she nearly fainted when she heard we unpacked his kitchen items without lining the shelves. I find shelf liner completely unnecessary, but I assure you, there is shelf liner in Adam's apartment.

It's been a fun week with Adam here. It's been funny, just for now, to see how we do things differently. We went grocery shopping, and we were constantly differing in one of us going for name brand and the other going for generic. Anyone who knows me well, knows which one I was pushing for. We've laughed a lot and spent a lot of time thankful that our long distance relationship is over!

Wednesday I shed some tears about my graduating 4s class (that's another post), and Adam handled it with great ease. He let me lay my head on his lap and just cry. And then he prayed for my heart and prayed for my kids. Adam is not known for his compassion or his ability to empathize, so I appreciated his gentleness and care. We ran errands that night, and it was probably my favorite part of our time together so far. It was wonderful to have a companion for some of the more mundane things of life. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee in my pants. We made an impromptu yogurt stop, and it was a great way to spend the evening.

It's reassuring that Adam can play both parts- sensitive and comedy extraordinaire. In general, life got better upon Adam's arrival. This week involved much less sleep and NO free time, but I know that will level off soon.

And for all the Seattle haters out there, it's a perfectly sunny day. No cloud in the sky, and it's going to reach 77 today. BEAUTIFUL!!

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