But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Remember when I moved to Washington?

I'm going to do a real post reflecting on my year in Seattle, but I just like to relive my road trip west. So, in honor of that delightful experience, I'm posting some pictures. A year later.

Step 1. Cross into Tennessee.

Step 2: Cross into Kentucky. I've grown particularly fond of this state. I can remember texting Adam about how visually boring his state was. This led to texting the rest of the road trip. Oh how much God has done since then! :)

Step 3: Barely skim Illinois and cross into Missouri. I was driving for the crossover into Missouri, and Anthony missed the state sign. However, we had no inclination to turn around and snag it. I wasn't particularly fond of Missouri. I have no desire to live there. Ever.

Step 4: Sleep in Missouri- no picture. The next morning we got up and started driving by 6:30. Iowa was next, and it wasn't so thrilling either. Followed by South Dakota. I personally enjoyed South Dakota. Anthony did not. He made me laugh a lot though, so that's what I'm basing it off of. And we stopped at a pretty awesome coffee shop.

This is what we saw most of the time in South Dakota...

I liked it. Anthony- not so much. The Badlands were cool. And HIS pick!

Next up: Wyoming. I really liked Wyoming too. We camped in Wyoming, and we woke up to a beautiful sunrise with animals grazing in the field near by. It was pretty cool. My picture is awesome; I know.

We continued into Montana.

(my state signs were a big deal to me at the time. Not so much anymore)

We then went into Idaho. One of my favorite stops BY FAR!! It was beautiful! We camped here, and I almost didn't want to leave. It was so wonderful.

So beautiful!!

And then it happened...we made it to Washington. This state sign was so disappointing. It was on the left side of the road, so we couldn't get out and take a picture with it. AND it was tiny. It also made me sick to my stomach because that meant I was really here. The adventure of the cross country drive was practically over. This was about to be my life.

Anthony was definitely ready to be finished with the 12+ hour days in the car. I had a really great time, and I have mostly fond memories of the journey.

My real 1 year post is soon to come.

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