But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snowed In

It's been a shocking week in the Northwest! It's been snowing since Saturday, and I can hardly believe it. I've never had snow like this before. When they forecasted possible snow for our area, I didn't even blink. Seattle handles snow kind of like the south does. We get a few flakes, and everything shuts down.

But this time we got more than a few flakes.

We took some pictures, but I haven't uploaded them yet. Adam doesn't particularly enjoy cold weather. In fact, he initially hated the idea of a December wedding because he didn't want our joyous day to be marred with cold temperatures. But we've walked around outside, made snow angels, and enjoyed our woodsy area that now looks like Narnia.

So what do the Tomberlins do while being snowed in?

We watch movies, play cards, bake cookies (one of us), catch up with friends, get real creative on meals, and read books. And laugh. A lot. It's been wonderful.

I'm reading Kisses From Katie. The real life story of a now 22 year old woman who lives in Uganda and has adopted 13 girls. Her story, God's story through her, is incredible. I'm not going to write much about this because I need more time to digest what I've read. I only have 2 chapters left. But Adam keeps saying, "Just tell me now. Are we about to adopt a child from Africa?"

Mmmm. If only.

We've been married a month. I've learned quite a few things.

1. Rules are meant to be adjusted. Our house rules aren't absolute. And it's best if I not expect them to be. Flexibility- it's beautiful.

2. There are times when I don't feel like serving Adam, but I'm learning that I need to anyways. And I might as well change my attitude along the way.

3. Marriage demands humility.

I do love being married. I love having my best friend live with me. I love the ways Adam and I get to choose to fix our eyes on Jesus, together. In the midst of some stressful times, we get to look to Jesus as the Author and Perfecter of our faith, as the Provider for our needs, and the Lifter of our heads.


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