But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, February 18, 2013

18 Weeks Pregnant

The fact that I'm blogging on a Monday morning can really only mean one thing- I have no school this week. 

This mid-winter break came to my rescue. I don't think I get to blame the pregnancy on my mounting frustration at work, but the past few weeks have just been a lot. I'm looking forward to cleaning my house, making healthier dinners, trying to find pants that fit better, and not seeing people from work for an entire week. Honest truth. 

Anyways...some not important updates about our life...

:: I'm 18 weeks pregnant, and the app on Adam's phone says Henry is the size of a bell pepper. Henry is what we lovingly call our baby right now. And even though we get to find out the gender in 2 weeks, I'm pretty sure we'll still call our baby Henry until July. Especially if the baby is a boy, since we have yet to agree on a name for a boy.

:: I've had several dreams that the baby is a girl. And one dream that the baby is a boy. Based on the dream count alone (not my "mom instincts"), I'm guessing we're having a girl. I think Adam's current guess is also girl, though we were both saying boy until the multiple girl dreams. Really, we're just praying for a healthy baby. I'll be honest that I initially wanted a boy, so I could beat my brother to having a son just to irritate him...and I'm a little afraid of having a daughter. But I'd be truly happy with either a boy or a girl. I really just can't wait to find out!! 

:: I need bigger pants, but I still don't think I look pregnant. If I've recently eaten and I have the right clothes on, you can see a bump. Otherwise, I just look like I've stopped exercising and eat anything in sight. 

:: I felt the baby last week a couple of times. It requires me being still and really focused. I did feel Henry at church yesterday which was the first time that I noticed movement when being distracted. Adam keeps trying to feel him too, but no such luck. I don't think Henry is big enough yet. 

:: We've gotten some cute gifts for our little bean. 

The seniors on my team gave me this while we were in California. My favorite parts being the "grrrr" and the tail. 

And one of my friends gave me this robe.

So cute. 

:: We're over the shock of having a baby on the way. We're really excited, and we daily thank God for giving us this gift. I heard Adam talking to his sister on the phone, and he said something about probably having a daughter. I had a melt my heart/freak me out moment. We're going to have a son or a daughter. Crazy! I think Adam's going to be a great dad to both boys and girls, but I imagine him being instantly smitten by a little girl. 

:: Lastly, I've never wanted cheeseburgers like this before. They always sound good. 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot WAIT to meet Henry! What a lucky kiddo already to have you and Adam as parents :)
