But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Our little guy is coming this month (He is coming this month. He will not be born in August). My due date is 20 days away, but everyone's telling me to expect to go longer. We'll see. 

I'm so very excited to meet Henry, but I'm also so very aware that the number of days of just me and Adam are rapidly shrinking. The season of just the two of us felt so brief. We dated 7 months before being engaged for 5 months, only to be married for 10 months before getting pregnant. That feels fast. I'm confident that adding Henry to our family will be one of the best days of our lives. But I'm still going to enjoy the final weeks of just me and Adam. 

Adam doing an amazing job celebrating my 25th birthday!

There's been a lot to love in the past 2.5 years, and there's been a lot of growing for both of us. But I'm confident of this: Adam is going to be a fantastic dad. This pregnancy has been not what I expected, but Adam has been so much more than I could've ever hoped for. His support, encouragement, and confidence in me has been unwavering. His love for our little boy has grown with each week, and he says on an almost daily basis, "I just love your belly!" (to which I want to roll my eyes every time)

I remember the night I took the pregnancy test, I was sure that I was pregnant. We had just come back from a weekend trip to Portland, and I just knew that I was pregnant. I can remember not wanting to pee on the stick because I knew that our lives would never be the same once I did. I even asked Adam if we could wait a couple of days. But if you know my husband, that was not going to happen!! So, I did the deed, and we waited. When we walked into the bathroom, there was no doubting it: I was pregnant. I can remember cry-laughing as I looked at Adam's stunned face. He sat down on the toilet, mouth open, in true shock. I didn't want to lose control of my emotions, but I had to ask, "Are you mad?" 

And I'll never forget his response.

"Am I mad?? No, I'm not mad! I get to be a dad! We're going to have a baby!" 

He pulled me onto his lap and held me close, and I felt my panic wash away. 

Found out later this day that we were pregnant.

Now, over the course of the next few days Adam did need to say over and over and over and over again, "You're pregnant!" As if saying it out loud made it more true. 

By the time our 20 week ultrasound rolled around, Adam was mostly adjusted to the idea of being a dad, and he was so ready to know if we were going to welcome a son or a daughter this summer. He swears he was going to be happy with a boy or a girl, but when the nurse told us our baby was in fact a boy, there was no denying the joy on that man's face. His eyes welled up with tears, and he whispered, "I'm going to have a son." I can remember looking at him and being a little taken back by how much it meant to me to see him so excited. 

That night Adam gave Henry one of his frequent talks. "Henry, I love you. I'm proud of you, and that won't ever change. I'm going to teach you to be a man and do man-things. It's going to be great!" 

Our trip to Haiti that highlighted our differences and made me fall more in love with Adam.

And now, in a very stressful time, Adam has continued to be my rock, my best friend, and my biggest fan. He urged me to leave my job, so I could stay home with Henry, knowing that the way we live would change dramatically. He's supported my desire to continue coaching, and I feel he is very much a part of that ministry with me. He works hard all day then comes home to work more on our new apartment or packing up the current one. He rubs my swollen feet and enables my addiction to watermelon. He holds me in the night when I wake up with bad dreams and laughs with me through most of our time together. He goes with me to dinners with my preschoolers and grad parties for my seniors. This man does so much for our family, and I cannot/do not express my gratitude enough. 

At Edmond's Beach when my family came to visit.

Even though the time of "just us" was rather brief, I am so excited to continue on this journey with Adam. I know there are inevitably rough days ahead, and I imagine the transition from 2 or 3 won't be seamless. But I'm so, so glad Adam's the person I'm doing life with. He may not know how to change a diaper or swaddle a baby, but he's going to be a great dad (and he'll learn those things very soon). He knows how to love selflessly, give of himself generously, and let's be honest- he's one of the funniest people I know. 

Our wedding day

I don't know what the road ahead of us is going to look like, but with Adam at my side, I'm feeling alright. 

Henry, you're coming so soon, and your dad and I cannot wait to hold you in our arms. We talk about you and to you all. the. time. You have one heck of a dad, my littlest love. I hope you grow up to be just like him. Ok...not just like him because his driving still scares me. We already love you more than you'll ever know. Stay comfy in there for a couple more weeks. We need to get a few more things done!! So excited to meet you, little man. 

July 15, 2011- the day we got engaged. Almost 2 years later to the day (possibly) we'll welcome our first baby!  

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