But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, August 12, 2013

23 Days In

Our little dude is 23 days old, which means we've been at this parenting thing for just as long. I have a lot of thoughts rolling around in my head and heart, but if I had to guess, little man's nap is going to come to an abrupt end sooner than I'd like. So, for now, this is a scattering of pictures and thoughts I don't want to forget. 

I've spent lots of time reflecting on Nolan's birth, and Adam and I are to the point where we can joke about parts of it. But I still can get teary when I remember the fear of the vacuum not working or causing damage and the relief of hearing Nolan's scream. But Adam and I remember with great fondness the nurses who took care of us after Nolan was born. Tammy and Connie were our favorites, and I remember wanting to cry as Tammy hugged as bye as we left the hospital. As we were preparing to discharge, she looked at us and said, "You guys are going to be good parents. I can tell." 

My parents are AMAZING!!! The whole time they were here, they gave and gave and gave. I didn't cook a single meal, do any dishes, or run any errands. It was delightful! They were such a blessing. They saw needs we had and filled them before we even knew they existed. There were times when I would feel guilty for all they were doing, but in my 23 days of parenting, I now understand that I'd do ANYTHING for Nolan to make his life better. It gave me a little bit of an idea of how much my parents love me. 

In the first few days of being home with Nolan, it took me some time to believe that Nolan actually preferred me over anyone else. When he was crying in someone else's arms, a simple transfer to my arms could calm Nolan down. This was unreal to me. 

Adam and I have always loved the weekends. But NOW I love them even more. I just love having Adam home on Saturday and Sunday to hang out with me and Nolan. I love how many times I see Adam staring at Nolan and commenting on how handsome he is. I love listening to Adam sing to Nolan as he rocks him for his naps. And I love that I'm guaranteed a shower! :) 

This guy has changed our world in the past 23 days. I live my days in 3 hour cycles, just like he does. We think about what's best for Nolan all. the. time. Adam drives like he's carrying the most valuable thing in the world, and he is!! Each night, as we're going through Nolan's bedtime routine, we thank God for entrusting Nolan into our care. I know Nolan is ultimately the Lord's, and I'm so, so grateful that He's chosen us to be Nolan's parents. 

Lastly, sometimes when we unswaddle Nolan, this is how we find him. And it makes us laugh. 


  1. He is absolutely the most darling little person I've ever seen. I hope he knows how lucky he is to have such incredible parents!! SO proud of and excited for you!!

  2. I have been checking your blog nonstop for updates!! I almost squealed when I saw a new post! Nolan is the most precious baby boy I've ever seen!
