But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Month 2

I'm really good at doing the monthly posts... 

Nolan's 2nd month was full and fun, and I can't believe how big my baby is already.

At Nolan's 2 month well check, he weighed 12lbs, 11 oz. Get it, baby boy! He's 24 inches long, so he's grown 4 INCHES since he was born. The doctor thinks he'll be taller than me and Adam. Which is really, really funny. I hope it happens. I can't wait for family pictures when Nolan is towering over us! :)

Nolan went on his first plane rides, and he. did. awesome. What a relief!! We had a layover going both directions, and Nolan did so great. We did decide two things. 1. It's worth paying a little extra money to fly direct. 2. We WILL check a bag at Christmas! 

When Nolan gets really tired or if we have to wake him up, he just burrows his head in our shoulder or chest. It's pretty cute. When Nolan got vaccinated, he wasn't feeling good for a couple of days afterwards. I'd be holding him, and he get his face right up in the pocket between my neck and chin. Nolan still appreciates skin on skin time. But when he's really tired or not feeling good, he NEEDS to be cuddled and feel our skin against his skin. 

Nolan also went on his first ferry boat ride. He kinda slept through the excitement. 

Speaking of sleep, Nolan is sleeping through the night consistently! He started being pretty consistent about it around 8 weeks. I hope it keeps up. When we traveled to Georgia, I kept Nolan on Seattle time to not mess up the delightful full nights of sleep we were getting. 

This cute boy loves to smile, and he's getting really good at tracking with his eyes. He can find my voice pretty quickly and follow me if I move.

I'm so, so thankful for this family God has given me. I love the weekends with my sweet family. I so enjoy watching Adam adore Nolan. And he does!! We're both in awe at this treasure. I can't imagine life without Adam and Nolan. I love kissing Nolan's perfect cheeks hundreds of times each day. I love how big his smile gets when he's really happy. I love how he gasps with glee during bath time. I love being this boy's mom!  


  1. Im so thankful for updates about your sweet family! And I just LOVE looking at pictures of Nolan. He really is the cutest thing!

  2. Nolan is absolutely adorable and looks SO grown up already! You three make one good looking family :)
