But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

4 Months

My sweet, sweet boy is 4 months old. I cannot believe how stinkin' cute he is!

Nolan is so fun. He continues to be a pretty easy going baby. He's starting to laugh more, and it's absolutely my favorite sound ever! Sometimes he laughs for no apparent reason, but we can pretty much count on laughs if we kiss his naked tummy.

Nolan is officially rolling. He's not that great at it. And we actually didn't even witness it his first 2 times. My mom graciously took Nolan for me in the morning, so I could sleep an extra hour or two. And what do you know? The kid rolled over. I've only seen him roll back to tummy. And Adam's only seem him roll tummy to back. Go figure.

Completely unrelated to Nolan…we lost power for an entire day one Saturday. This was our light source. It was like camping in our own house. We were nice and cold all day! 

Nolan can be quite the helper in the kitchen. He mostly just sits in his bumbo chair and gnaws on whatever toy I give him. 

My little Nolan Bear. He's just the cutest! We didn't go anywhere for Halloween, but someone gave me 2 costumes to try out on Nolan. So, obviously I had to dress him up in them. 

He seemed really happy in both of them. I can only hope Nolan is a fan of ridiculous costumes for the rest of his life!

I introduced Nolan to the jumperoo, and he absolutely loved it!! He hasn't seemed to enjoy it as much as that first time, but he will usually go to town for a little bit! He will also chew on the seat cover and enjoy standing up all by himself. 

We're working on weaning Nolan off his swaddle. And it has been SLOW going! He definitely sleeps better swaddled, but because he knows how to roll over, we have to teach him how to sleep without the swaddle. But sometimes when we swaddle him, he used his Hulk strength and Houdini skills to escape anyways. 

Nolan had visitors in his 4th month of life…

My good friend Dally (Ally) came to meet my little nugget. They had a great time playing together. And Ally cooked dinner for us, which was AH-MAZING!

And my parents came!! Nolan enjoyed his time with Mimi and Abuelo. And so did I! Extra sleep, extra help, and always added fun when my parents are around. 

Nolan's hair was getting shaggy in some places, so I actually had to cut it. It was hanging over his ears, and it was getting super long in the back. His hair is still long in the front, but we are losing it in the back. He's an active sleeper and is rubbing himself a nice bald spot.

I find Nolan utterly adorable when he's just in his diaper. Seriously. I love kissing his chunky thighs and raspberrying that belly of his. He's just the cutest.  

In other news, Nolan relapsed his delightful sleeping through the night habits. He was waking up for no apparent reason. Not hungry. Just fussing. There were some nights that he'd wake up crying 4 times. Which is WAY more than he'd wake up as a newborn. Thankfully, those times have passed. He's remembered how to sleep straight through the night again. No one is happier about that than I am! 

Look how big this boy is!! Oh. my. word. He's grown so much. Just looking at this picture makes me want to take the boy's clothes off and kiss him right now!


Suffice it to say, we're still totally crazy about this baby boy! He loves when I sing to him. He loves to kick his legs like crazy in the bath. He's putting everything in his mouth. I'm recently starting to think he might know his name. I can't say that with confidence, but I'm working on proving my theory. He's due for his 4 month shots, and I'm NOT looking forward to that appointment. But I know he'll want some extra cuddles, and I'm okay with that. 

My favorite boys. I love them so much. 

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