But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Crazy 8

Our little boy is 8 months!! How is it possible that 8 months have passed? He's such a cheeser, and we cannot be happier that we got this delightful surprise! I just love to smother those cheeks with kisses. 

This little guy is sitting by himself no problem! He can go from sitting to crawling with no problem. And yes, he is crawling. He progressed from army crawl to regular crawl pretty quickly. Life with a crawler is very different than life with a roller. 

Nolan still has no teeth, but anything he gets his hands on goes in his mouth. It's like he's been teething for months! It looks like there are 2 bottom teeth just below the surface of the gums. We're not sure, but he might be walking before he ever gets teeth.

New foods this month: peas, spinach, broccoli, chicken, honey dew melon, yogurt (peach, apple, blueberry, pear, banana), puffs, and potato. I think his least favorite of all of those would be the blueberry yogurt. He's devoured everything with remarkable speed. The above picture shows what Nolan looks like when he sneezes right after taking a spoonful of yogurt. 

I've been working on the concept of finger foods with Nolan. He's pretty good with the puffs now, but at first, every last one of them ended up on the floor or in his lap. And he would get very frustrated. But he's a champ at it now. I've started including other foods on the tray now, too. 

Turn your back for one second, and he gets pretty far. He really does love how soft that purple blanket is. Once he crawled his way over there, he just put his head down on the blanket and relaxed.

Our Chunky Monkey is growing like crazy! His hair is really filling in, too. I'm loving his laughter, his desire to explore (it's a love/hate relationship), his love for food, his excitement when Adam gets home, his perfect cheeks, and his laid back demeanor. 

Seriously, the kid is so happy most of the time. He loves to flap his arms and legs.

Confession: there are times when I'm not thrilled with the crawling. Because of his new skill, he's not as happy in the swing or jumperoo, making it significantly harder for me to get things done. 

And just because I think it's important to share the pictures that aren't super cute and flattering, I give you this treasure:

Makes me laugh every time. We love our sweet boy, and I can't express how much joy this guy brings to our lives. I love being his mama, and I'm so thankful God has entrusted him into our care. 

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love this!!! Can't wait to see you guys real soon!! :O)
