But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, February 21, 2014

My 7 Month Mister

I love these overalls. 

My little Nolan is getting so big!! I love, love, love this stage he's in. He's a usually happy boy, and he's very, very busy. Anytime we help him stand up, he's usually jumping about 2 seconds later. 

We often find Nolan in the above position. We like to think he's working on his obliques. But he will seriously just hang out on his side. It makes me laugh. 

He is up on all fours! He can rock back and forth and scoot every so slightly. I am not ready for a crawler. I'm hoping it takes him a little while longer to figure it out. 

But honestly. This kid is so long!! At his last check up (that was somewhere between 6 and 7 months), he was 28 inches long, putting him in the 87th percentile! I can't believe how much he's grown. 

If that picture doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will. Nolan's new foods since last month: avocado, oatmeal, cantaloupe, and sweet potato. I introduce a new food about every 5 days. Well, I try.  He's trying peas for lunch today. He better like them because I made 8 servings worth! :) From my observation, I think his favorite thing to eat is the banana and avocado puree I make- scarfs. it. down. 

Some things I love about Nolan right now: when I'm holding him, he often pats me on the back. If I ask for a kiss, sometimes he'll lean in to me, open mouthed. One morning when I got him out of the crib, he was so happy, and he leaned in to me right away for a an open mouthed kiss. How could you not love that?! He gets genuinely excited about eating his solids. He's going to fit right in with our family! He'll sit in the front of the cart while I grocery shop, which is AMAZING! He thinks Adam and I are hilarious, and he loves when we dance crazy in front of him. 

Some things I don't love about this stage right now: he pulls my hair all the time. I watch him eye my hair, waiting for the best time to grab it. It's painful. And I really don't like it. Yes, I'm definitely considering a hair cut. Nolan is really  into playing on the floor right now. So, he'll push against whomever is holding him to try to get down. And well, that just makes me sad. I love that he's growing in independence, but he seems too young to be doing this. 

Things Nolan loves right now: MY HAIR, paper, his sippy cup, baths, sitting up like a big boy, his jumperoo (!!!!!!!), the song "Let it Go" from the movie Frozen, Little Cabin in the Woods, the Baby Animals book, balloons, rolling everywhere, and laughing. 

Sweet, Noley Poley, I love you so much. Utterly crazy about you! I can't believe I get to be your mama. There are most certainly days that you literally pull my hair out, and I want to pull my hair out. But you, my boy, are such a joy bringer. Your Daddy and I love you more than you'll ever know. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Marissa, for continuing to post the monthly blogs about Noland! I LOVE reading what you share and looking at the ADORABLE pictures!! I love how Noland loves life, even at such a young age! Thrilled that we will get to see more of you guys when you move this way...SOON!! :O) I love you!!
