But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I should be packing because we are moving. We're moving into an apartment exactly 7 months after arriving in Atlanta. 


Yes, there's a but. 

Today, I got to experience one of the moments that felt like God stepped into my ordinary just to be with me. And it felt sacred. And holy. 

As I've been looking for the gifts God's giving me each day, I've started noticing them more. That's kind of the point of the 1000 gifts challenge, I do believe. As you name them, count them, and receive them, you start noticing your big God dwelling in your small days. In full disclosure, I wouldn't say that this processes has been a quick transformation. There are days that pass when I fail to see the gifts right before my eyes. 

But today, I had a few minutes of raw beauty that won't be adequately summed up in words. But I don't want to forget for me. So I can look back and remember. 

Nolan's been having some particularly frustrating toddler behavior, but he truly rocked it at the store today. ROCKED it. We came home to much needed outside time for my boy. 

I wish I could describe what fall does to me, but it really does awaken something inside of me. It reminds me of God's faithfulness and creativity. And I as I sat outside by the pond in my parents' neighborhood, my heart was already full. Then my feisty boy went running down the hill and off to find rocks all by himself. A fun activity that would normally require my presence every step of the way because he is in that clingy-ness right now. 

That little man came running up the hill so excited to see me sitting there, watching him, smiling at him. The wind blew those crazy curls of his, and he laughed into the crisp air, delighted with himself, with me. And on his face I could see the assurance and confidence that he is loved by his Mama. 

I teared up looking at him in those moments. He repeated this over and over. And each time he'd run up that hill and get to the point where I was back in view, his eyes would dance with joy, his belly would release little boy laughter. 

I sat and basked in those moments. I knew I was sitting in a moment where God was drawing me to Him. 

And I sat in those moments, receiving Truth. 
I delight in you, too. 

Me? Now? Like this? 

I looked out on the water and let my heart just be in this moment. 

I breathed it in. 

I'm delighted in by my Father. 

I wanted to doubly freeze time. I wanted to stay with Nolan in those moments. To watch him be wild and free. To see him be confident that he's loved and adored and safe with me. And I wanted to sit with Jesus in this most ordinary of moments to hear Him whisper again, I delight in you. So I, too, can be confident that I'm loved, adored, and safe with Him. Because I am not always so certain. 

I think I can write this one down for more than just 1 gift. 

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