But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

These Days

I know that I have some inner tension that would love the opportunity to work itself out here, but I have been exhausted. Pregnancy will do that to you. Nolan's nap times have become my nap times. I trust that I'm going to escape the fatigue soon, so I have hopes of returning to my space again. 

But life with my boy goes on, and there are things that I'm loving right now. So, I must log them somewhere as not to forget them. 

Nolan's happy place is outside. On the day pictured above, it was especially windy. Nolan loved it. He was so confused at first, and he'd freeze to watch the affects of the wind. I love seeing his delight for nature. Also, the way he says outside is so stinkin' adorable, I can't help but give in just about every time that he asks. 

Nolan will sign, "please." He's gotten very good about signing it when he's asking for something. He knows how to sign please, more, and all done. Some times he just can't figure out how to get his message across, and he ends up signing those 3 signs over and over in frustration. 

One of my current favorite things about Noles is the way he backs up into our laps. Sometimes he'll start walking backwards a good 5-7 steps before he needs to, but then he'll plop down as close to our laps as possible. It's so stinkin' cute. He recently stopped giving kisses anytime I asked. One day I randomly said, "Nolan, can I please have a smooch?" He eagerly came at me with lips ready to kiss mine. He pretty much only gives kisses if they are referred to as smooches. 

Nolan will often come up from behind me to give me a hug or play with my ponytail. Which I LOVE when people play with my hair. So, sometimes I will ask, "Nolan, can you play with Mom's hair?" It usually lasts 7 seconds. I'll take it!

Nolan can be pretty hit or miss at meal times. If he likes what he's eating, he'll devour it. Otherwise, he can be a real treat. I do not love this Nolan feature. There are  many times that Adam has to relieve me at dinner because Nolan knows how to push my buttons. As in, he'll be defiant. Meal times continue to be a sanctifying time. 

The above picture would be his wink. My dad taught him how to wink at the dinner table one night. He did pretty good the first night, and since then, it's evolved into an exaggerated blink. But it's still cute. 

Nolan's growing, a little too fast for my liking some days. Knowing we have another baby on the way has changed how I look at Nolan. A part of me is sad to see the days of just the two of us go. I want to hold him longer and smooch him more. I want these days to be awesome because our lives will never be the same again come April. I anticipate them getting better, but for my little buddy, it might take some time for him to agree with me. So, when he hugs my neck super tight, I soak it in. As he pats my back, I notice and smile. A baby on the way is so exciting for us, but I'm living in the present, cherishing these days. 

It should be noted, I do not cherish the bad behavior. I mostly just imagine what it would be like to deal with it while holding a newborn. Oh man, it's going to be interesting. 

Life with Nolan is full and tiring and sweet and crazy. Toddlerhood is very different from babyhood- full of opinions, attitudes, unbridled laughter, silly antics, and some grumpies. But I think my toddler rocks!! 

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