But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This One's For You, Adam!

Dear Adam,

Here comes a public letter of my admiration of your Daddy-ness. 

You are awesome. You are needed. You are so dearly loved. In case there is ever a doubt, you are absolutely a necessary part of this family's equation.  

The role you play in Nolan's life is not one I want to compete with. The relationship and bond you boys share is precious and priceless and part of what makes Nolan who he is. Your presence in his days makes him feel more confident and steady. I know this because we've been without you for the past 3.5 days. 

There's lots of talk about how wonderful and sacred the relationship is between mother and child. And obviously I know that Nolan loves me, needs me, wants me, etc. But I don't think dads get enough credit. So hear me when I say this: I so value your relationship with our son(s) and know you play a significant part in his (their) well being. I am not the only one doing the shaping, the nurturing, and the rearing. And boy, am I glad!

This parenting gig was meant to be a team effort. And I'm so glad you're on my team. Or I'm on yours. That we're in this together. I love the ways we balance each other out and let each other's strengths shine. I love that you light up our little boy's world with your silly antics. I love that you make him laugh harder than anyone else. 

I love that he's watching you, Adam. I'm so thankful that I'm not having to teach him how to be a man. Because that's just not my job. It's yours. And you're doing it so well. No, I wouldn't let him hold a razor this young, but he loves that you do that with him. I look forward to watching you teach him and train him in the ways of manhood (and have the sex talk, thankyouverymuch). Your voice in his life is so crucial. 

This son of ours, he missed you something fierce. He hoped upon hope with every sound he heard that you were coming home. Every time my phone rang. Every time we heard a knock. Every time he woke up. Daddy? And my heart both ached and soared. You, my love, are a fantastic dad. You're Daddy status in Nolan's life is on lock! 

We love you. We love your place in our family. We certainly felt incomplete without you. I doubt Nolan will show just how happy he is to see you tomorrow, but I know that his insides will be bursting with joy. His life will feel normal again, and he'll be safe in your arms. And inevitably, he'll demand to be in mine. Adam Tomberlin, you are a hunk of a husband and a heck of dad! I'm so happy to do life with you. 

Now come home. 


Yours Truly 

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