But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

12 Months. 1 Year.

Well. It happened. April 22, 2016 rolled around, and though I tried to stop it, Isaac Dean Tomberlin turned 1. He went to bed on Thursday just like any other day, and then he woke up on Friday a 1 year old. 

And the best way I can describe it this time around is the bitter is more bitter and the sweet is sweeter when I say it's bittersweet to hit this milestone. I know every child is different. I loved 1 year old Nolan, and I look forward to 1 year old Isaac. But I also know parenting takes a huge shift here. The toughest training I did with Isaac this first year was sleep training, and quite honestly, it was easy peasy. The training that's ahead of me, probably not going to be easy peasy. 

Isaac had his first Easter. He did not care one bit. He really did love the Easter eggs because they were the perfect size to hold and shake. But really, it was just another Sunday. 

Isaac still strongly favors me, and I'm not concerned about it at this point. Honestly, it's made his first birthday a little more gentle on me. He's doing better with other family members, which is a relief! But I can't deny the fact that I love the way he likes to check in with me regularly for a quick thumb suck and hair hold. 

Isaac is starting to stand up for himself when it comes to Nolan's roughness. AND I LOVE IT! Adam and I both quietly cheer him on when he pushes back or grunts at Nolan. He's also starting to show some signs of tantrums coming. He is such an easy going kid, but I've seen him get legitimately mad a few times when I've done something as simple as taking a toy away.  I think it's a sign of things to come. 

Isaac scrunches up his face in just the cutest way when he's excited. He does it a lot when he's walking around as quickly as he can. And when he has a ladle in his hand-- forget about it. He walks with his cute growing belly pushed forward, and I smile every time. He still loves baths. He dominates just about everything I put on his tray. And he LOVES my parents' dog. One thing that's still really lovely about Isaac is that given the right circumstances (a long day at the zoo), he'll still take a quick snooze on me in the ergo. That's a win for me!! 

Adam and I looked at videos of life at this time a year ago, and we are well aware of just how much changes in a year. I want to be present in these days and enjoy them. I do have a lot of emotions about this boy turning 1. We are not trying to get pregnant right now, like we were when Nolan turned 1, so I don't know when there will be another baby in my home. And that makes me a little sad. I wouldn't say that I'm one who is "baby crazy," but that first year is something special. 

I am so grateful for our precious Isaac. I'm thankful that God delivered him in such a peaceful way (I won't ever forget that!), and that I'll always have a story of God's faithfulness when I think back to his birth. I love our Isaac Dean! 

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