But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Happy Birthday, Isaac Dean

Oh My Isaac Dean,

I can't believe I already have to do this. Weren't you just welcomed into our family like a month ago? 

I've got to tell you, Isaac Man, you are the sweetest gift to our family. I don't know that I could've dreamed up a better addition to this crazy Tomberlin tribe. You came into this world, and you settled right into my heart forever. As I carried you for 9 months inside of me, I prayed and wondered and dreamed of what it would be like to have two little boys to call mine. And I just didn't know how perfect you were going to be!

From the very beginning you've been such a laid back, go with the flow little guy. Your tiny self adjusted to life with us so quickly that I kept thinking I was enjoying the calm before the storm. But you didn't bring a storm with you. You just brought peace. And snuggles. I actually cherished our middle of the night feedings in those early days because I just loved holding you close. 

Though you brought a ton of peace to my heart, you turned your brother's world upside down. And you've endured a lot as he transitioned. You are tough. You are forgiving. It's almost like you are understanding of Nolan's struggle at times.  And really, you love that boy so much, so that helps. You seem more confident when Nolan is around which is odd considering how his treatment towards you is a toss up. 

Isaac, I love you so much. I love your little belly that seems to poke out of every shirt I put on you. I love your expressive little eyebrows that are quick to tell me what you think while words can't be formed. I love that you suck your thumb sideways, and that is has to be your left hand. I love that you have figured out how to sit in laps, wave night-night, and how you sign "all done" makes me laugh every time. I take such delight in watching you be you. 

As I snuggled you close on your last night of babyhood, I felt overwhelming grateful that I get to call you my son. Though I know lots of great stuff is coming our way, with each passing day you'll take more steps towards independence. Our relationship is going to change, and so I just held you tight and rocked you as I reflected on the blessing that is being your mom. Isaac Dean, more than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, I want your heart to belong to Jesus. I want you to know Him and and know His love. And after that, I want you to know that I love you and I like you just the way you are. 

I am so happy that I get to be your Mama. I love you so, baby boy. You are a treasure and a delight. You fit perfectly in our family, and I am excited to watch you grow and see your personality come forth more and more. Your crystal blue eyes, chunky thighs, and little giggle make me melt. 

I'll love you forever, Isaac. 

Happy Birthday, Buddy!



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