But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I love this picture. 
Nolan has been adamant for months, maybe over a year that he does not like snow. Now, Nolan hasn't experienced snow since he was 19 months old. And it was a positive experience. But somewhere along the way, Nolan decided he didn't like snow, and he was not to be swayed. 

In December, we went to a big Christmas light display, and it fake snowed. He nearly lost his mind. He was basically paralyzed with fear. It made me sad to watch him miss out on fun with his friends because he was so fixated on the fake snow. 

At the beginning of the month it looked to be a sure thing that it would snow here. When people asked Nolan about it with excitement, he'd start to get visibly anxious, looking to me for assurance that it wasn't going to snow. And well, it snowed. It actually iced. With a tiny bit of snow on top of the ice. 

Adam and I knew that he was going to be upset, and we knew that we were going to make him go outside and experience it. 


He loved it. Adam put him on the sled and took off. 

And he laughed.

He liked hearing the crunch of the ice snow when we walked around. He liked seeing his boots make foot print. He just liked it. 

Whatever made him believe that snow was scary was negated when he actually experienced it. I'm sure this will happen with him many more times in the future. He gets so sure of things. Because what he thinks becomes his truth. And sometimes his truth needs to be replaced with actual truth.

We didn't last very long outside. But it made me so happy to see his countenance actually change as he let loose and enjoyed himself outside.

Now, driving on the ice...whole different story.

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