But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Nine Happenings with the Tomberlins

I've had so little margin lately but so many thoughts, so once again, I just need to break the blogging ice. 

1. One weekend in January, Adam and I completed 20 HOURS of training for becoming foster parents. It was a lot of information. It was a lot to process. And when we left, I was overwhelmed with the amount of work we still had to do. But as of Thursday of last week, we completed everything we could've possibly done on our own. We got an e-mail today to set up our first home study (1 of 3). When I got the e-mail from our home study specialist, I wanted to jump up and down, but I was in a meeting. Realistically, the hardest parts of this journey are inevitably still to come, but it feels good to get working on the home stretch. 

2. Not that long ago, we decided that we would go upstairs to read 30 minutes before we wanted to go to sleep, and I really, really hope we stay disciplined to continue doing this. Being the old people we are, that means we go upstairs by 9:30. 

3. I stumbled upon a new baking blog recently, and I want to bake so many things every day now. One of my 2017 goals was to keep trying out new recipes (for dinner) and not fall into a slump of the same old recipes. The renewed spark in my love for baking as actually helped in my desire to cook yummy, healthy dinners for us. And I got a pressure cooker for Christmas, so I've been trying out new recipes the last few weeks trying to get good at it. 

4. Isaac Dean has turned into quite the opinionated stinker, but he is so utterly adorable it's hard to discipline him with a straight face. 

The cutest little Falcons fans you ever did see!

5. In efforts to prepare our home to welcome a child in foster care, we pulled the trigger and put Nolan in Isaac's room last week. I did it thinking that it would only last about .2 seconds. And I was pleasantly surprised. Nolan was over the moon excited to have a companion in the room with him, and Isaac wakes up each morning saying, "No-no?" Which is what he calls Nolan. It's pretty much precious. They even nap at the same time in the same room. This might still be the honeymoon phase, but it also might be just a beautiful and wonderful reality for us. 

6. My sweet, sweet friend gifted me for my birthday a photo scavenger hunt date with Adam. Someone else thinking it was important for Adam and I to have fun and go on a date and be silly was one of the most thoughtful gifts a friend has given me. I really loving spending time with that guy. 

We were supposed to find a statue and do our best to replicate it.

7. One day I came down the stairs in jeans and our church shirt that volunteers wear on Sundays, and Nolan looked at me and said, "Mommy, you are so pretty!" I about melted. Because I can assure that I did not look so pretty. In fact, I felt quite worn down on the inside. That little boy has a tender heart, and when we catch glimpses of it, it's the cutest thing!

8. I've been reading the Bible cover to cover since August. I'm in Ezekiel right now. I've never read the Bible just straight through. I've come to the same conclusions several times. One, I'd like to get a chronological Bible. I think it  would just be helpful! And two, I'm so thankful for Jesus. 

9. Nolan is memorizing Bible verses like a BOSS these days. He can say several verses with very little prompting, and it makes me realize how important these young years are when it comes to training up our children.  

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