But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

He's a Whole Hand

Nolan turned 5. And he's pretty excited about it. When he came downstairs the morning of his birthday, he was literally running laps around the house, 100% convinced that he was faster. Honestly, I was kind of convinced, too.

This kid went to school for the first time. He went two days a week, and that was just right for him. He thoroughly enjoyed going to school, but every single time we picked him up, he wanted to know what went on at home without him. He had his best buddy in his class, and that made for a very, very fun year. It was neat to watch him grow in confidence and be genuinely excited for what his day of preschool would hold.

He also played on his first soccer team, and HE LOVED IT! He played with the biggest smile and the most enthusiasm. When he scored, he'd look around for people to be cheering for him. Adam helped coach the team, and Nolan would run up to him for high fives every single time. It was so fun to watch him do something he loves.

Nolan got promoted to big brother of two for most of the last year. He took in Sammy as his own brother from day one. It was truly remarkable, and one of the most memorable parts about our first foster placement. Nolan has been quite the hospitable little boy for the past couple of years, but it got taken to a whole different level with Sammy boy. It was amazing to watch. 

Nolan's love for sports is growing, and his dad is thrilled. He loves watching football and basketball, and he got to experience his first Braves game. He loved it! He loves shooting hoops, kicking the soccer ball, hitting off the tee, and being a receiver when we play football (calls himself Julio Jones). The kid just loves sports!

We're starting to see some growth in Nolan's fears and anxieties. It's been a good reminder to me that the issues that can seem so frustrating and consuming will not always define our kids. Nolan loved the characters at Disney, and it was literally a paralyzing fear for him previously. He loves the beach and runs with such wild glee, and he used to hate that, too. It's been a relief to see fear and anxiety loosen their grip on him. 

These are Nolan's people (Ezra not pictured). They are his first choice for every single thing. If we lived near the North Carolina Rodriguez family, he'd lose his mind. We pray for all of his cousins every.single.night. When we are about to do something fun, he often says, "I wish Ryann and Alee were coming!" They are the best.

Nolan is turning into a big boy, and I seriously cannot even let myself think about it. This will be the final year that Nolan doesn't go to school Monday-Friday. He's doing one more year of preschool before kindergarten. And I'm hoping we can cherish our bonus year before full blown elementary school starts. 

Some noteworthy conversations that I want to remember.

Isaac: I wish I was a panther (the actual animal).
Me: Well, God made you a human.
Nolan: Isaac, if you pray and ask God to make you a panther, He can. God can do anything.
Me: (thinking to myself, "How do I explain that while God is capable of turning a human into a panther, this is not something God has a history of doing.")
Isaac: I'm going to ask.
Me: (teachable moment lost)

Nolan: When we die will we come back to life like Jesus?
Me: [pauses] Well, when we die, no. If you have a relationship with Jesus and have asked God to forgive your sins, you'll go to heaven.
Nolan: I don't have a relationship with Jesus.
I fumble my way through the Gospel at his level.
Nolan: So, is Julio Jones going to die? 

Nolan from the other room: Every time I make a bad choice, I'm going to thank God that Jesus died on the cross as my punishment. 
Me: stunned silence

This kid. He can argue with a brick wall one minute and be telling me I'm the best mom in the whole world the next. I sure do love him! 

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