But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Because I Said I Wouldn't Be A Month Late

Typically for my kiddos' birthdays I do a letter to them and a picture recap of the year. The letter is more important to me, so I was sure to get Isaac's done in a reasonable time. It was still over a week late. But I've just been dragging my feet to get the recap done. But it WON'T be a month overdue. 

Isaac Dean is 4. This past school year, Nolan had school three days a week. So, Isaac and I had 3 days together. He was seriously the best little errand buddy and independent player on those days. I tried to do something most days that he wanted to do (like a puzzle or swing, etc), but realistically that didn't always happen. But I loved my time with just Isaac. 

Isaac showed signs of being a little more independent and a little more brave. I'd say he still has a preference for mom, but he is definitely growing out of the Mama's boy phase. He participated in Lighthouse talent shows without tears, and that was kind of a big deal! He initiates conversation and play with kids he doesn't know on the playground, and he is confident enough to walk up to an adult and introduce himself. I love this about him!

Isaac is my little sous chef in the making! He LOVES to bake with me, and he will happily drag his chair over to the island to be a part of whatever I'm making. He likes to pull all of the things out of the drawer, but I typically don't mind. He's actually getting pretty good about understanding dry ingredients, wet ingredients, etc. I love doing this with him. I admit that there are times when he really slows me down, and it does annoy me. But 9 times out of 10, I love it!

Isaac's interest in sports has increased this year. He loves watching football, and he got better at keeping up with his brother during flag football games. Isaac has heard pretty much his whole life how fast Nolan is. But he's had to fight to keep up with his big brother, and now he is finally get to hear people say that HE is fast. Isaac played soccer for the first time this spring, and he was the fastest and most aggressive player on his team. Nolan sure did train him well. 

Isaac really is so easy to love. He's still sweet and tender. He is SO excited that we have a baby sister coming. He will lovingly put his head on my ever growing belly and kiss it. He cannot wait to meet her, and it really does bring me so much delight to think about him being a big brother to her. He wants to hold her and help, and I plan on utilizing him. Isaac loves all babies and enjoys our friends' babies. I'm thinking his transition to middle child will be hardest on me- not him.

I can't believe Isaac is four. He is starting school in August, and it just doesn't seem possible. I'm thankful that he still chooses to hold my hand. He tells me without prompting quite often that he loves me. And he is just an easy going little boy. But he is definitely switching over to a big boy. I looked at him for some time at the dinner table recently, and I could see less and less of toddler Isaac. 

I'm thankful that discipling and training three year old Isaac wasn't quite as brutal as three year old Nolan. But you can't help but wonder if it's coming this year. 

I love being this boy's Mama, and I'm so glad he's a Tomberlin! 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Happy Birthday, Isaac Boy

Oh Isaac Dean!

How are you four?? 

It doesn't seem possible. Didn't we just breathe a big sigh of relief after you were born?

But you are so quick to remind me that you are in fact four years old! I've loved every bit of being your Mama, and I'm so grateful God placed you in our family right when He did. 

You have such a tender heart, but you can be a tough little dude when you want to be. You are not one to be outdone by your big brother, and you love keeping up with everything he does. But there is a sweetness to you that just hasn't faded, and I can't help but wonder if this is just part of who you are. 

You LOVE babies, and you think every single one of them is the cutest ever. I cannot wait to see you with your sister. Just the other day you told me you couldn't wait for her to be here because you want to pet her. And you also said that if she doesn't like when you hold her, you'll give her back to me. Oh Isaac, how could she not like you? She will adore you. We all do. I will love watching you be big brother to her. 

This year you have become a little more brave, a little more daring. And it's been so fun to watch. I do enjoy when your eyes scan for me, looking for my reassurance that you actually CAN do whatever you are about to attempt. I know one day, it won't be me your eyes are scanning for. I love being your biggest fan and loudest cheerleader. So for these numbered days, I treasure being your biggest confidence boost. 

Isaac, you are a joy and a delight. You are headed to preschool at the end of the summer, and I can hardly believe just like that I've lost my time at home with just you. While I'm confident you will love school and obviously your teachers will love you, I will miss your companionship, your impromptu "I love you" declarations, your ease of going with the flow, and your little hand that sometimes still reaches up for mine even when I know you no longer need it. But you choose it. 

I love you, big four year old. I love you. I like you. I enjoy you. And I'm proud of you. 

Happy 4th Birthday!
