But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Elliana Joy - 1 Month

A month ago, I gave birth to our baby girl. And I know a lot of times this milestone (and many, many more to come) is met with sadness because babies don't keep. But I'm not sad one bit. I'm deeply, deeply grateful that my daughter is here, healthy, and growing. What a gift!!! 

Elliana was born exactly 1 week before school started for both boys. We came home on a Wednesday evening and had exactly four days at home before the morning school rush started. It was a big adjustment for all of us to figure out. Little girl has spent far more time in her carseat than either of my other babies at this age. I take the "stay at home" mom part quite literally in the beginning in that I'm home A LOT. This time around has been different with school schedules to factor in. 

Elliana has been a good eater from the beginning. She may have been a better eater in the first 2 weeks than recently. She can gasp and cough quite frequently if she starts gulping air and milk is coming too quickly for her. She's projectile vomited 4 times already, and I mean PROJECTILE vomited. She gets the hiccups more often than not after eating. I hope all of these issues get better as she gets bigger. She is already taking a bottle once a day because that is a very, very important skill for her to have, in my opinion. 

This sweet girl gave us a little bit anxiety with some heart and lung issues in the hospital after delivery. We got discharged with instruction to watch her and a follow up cardiologist appointment two weeks later. It was an unsettling feeling at first to know that something could be wrong with our daughter's heart. But her cardiologist appointment confirmed what I believed to be true walking into that doctor's office- Elliana's heart is healthy! It was a huge relief for me, and I, again, felt deeply grateful. Not everyone walks out of there being told not to come back. I'm so thankful I won't be headed back to the Sibley Heart Group. 

She's eating just once in the night (all the praise hands). She eats 7 times before I go to bed, for a total of 8 feedings in 24 hours. Her middle of the night feeding and her first feed of the day are my favorites. After I burp her, she squirm her way down to my chest and puts her head right under my chin and just settles in. I love it so much. I just sit and rock her for a little bit because as I said, babies don't keep. 

This last month has been a mixed bag of emotions, and I'm going to do a 1 month postpartum post. Because my personal being over the last month has gone through all of the things. BUT! Adding Elliana to the family has been a joy! She is a joy! We all adore her, and we can't help but stare at her. She's been a tricky daytime sleeper that can definitely cause frustration, but when I end up holding her to make sure she gets some sleep, I look at her and wonder- Why was I getting frustrated?? (Um more on that later)

Our Ellie Bean- you are a treasure, and we love every tiny piece of you! 

The amazing professional pictures were taken by Kiley Carpenter. 

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