But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Elliana- 2 Months

My girl is 2 months old, but really- it's 2 months still so little! Sometimes I look at her and think she is looking so big, and then I see someone else holding her from a distance and realize, NOPE! She's still a nugget! Her cheeks have filled out the most, and she's working on the arms and legs. 

This child is a FIGHTER, oh my goodness! I am a little nervous if this is a foreshadowing of the stubbornness to come. She will fight a nap like crazy! Which seems super ridiculous considering she's only 2 months old. Homegirl likes to decide when she sleeps, and she doesn't seem to care what Mama has to say about it. She continues to give me a good stretch at night, making it somewhere between 4-5am. Both the boys were sleeping through the night at this point, but I told Adam from week 2, this cookie would not follow suit, and I was right! 

She still takes bottles like a champ! We be sure to give her a bottle once a day, for the most part. Her last feed of the day around 10:30 is typically always a bottle. And the days I'm coaching, she gets an additional bottle. Isaac got to give her part of her bottle, and he was elated. Look at that grin! She's eating a total of 7 times a day right now. 

Even when this girl resists daytime sleep, she is still a happy baby. I'm so thankful!! She likes to be on the floor, in her vibrating chair, and on her playmat. Today she rolled over from tummy to back and shocked us all. Herself included. 

We're loving our Ellie Bean! At church on Sunday we sang the song Do It Again which speaks of God's faithfulness. I'm 100% confident I cried my way through that song at one point last year, desperately wanting to appreciate God's faithfulness but struggling! Yesterday, Elliana was strapped to my chest in her carrier, and I cried yet again as we sang this time. Both in gratitude and in faith. Holding this precious girl to my chest as tangible evidence of God's faithfulness made it a little easier to believe Him to be faithful in other areas of my life where I can struggle to understand what God is doing in the midst of hard times. Elliana continues to live up to the meaning of her name- God has answered! 

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