But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Elliana- 3 months

Ellie Bean hit 3 months last week while we were at Disney. We celebrate big over here (I kid)!

It was a big 3rd month of life for her. 

Elliana got to meet her North Carolina cousins. We went up for Valor's birthday, and it was a fun, non-stop weekend. She did so well being on the go and passed around. Her girl cousins were thrilled to meet her. She was equally as stoked, as pictured above. 

This little one has done much better about napping, and she was sleeping through the night before said Disney trip. She also is rubbing a lot of her hair off, as I look at this picture from a couple of weeks ago. The combination of her head growing and her hair falling out is leaving her with a much less full head of hair. She's also getting the hang of the paci. If she would just keep it in, all of her naps and night time sleep would be perfect. 

My tiny Wonder Woman loved Halloween. It was SO COLD, so she only lasted outside all of 30 minutes. But she was so dang cute, and I look forward to lots and lots of costumes. I'm all about dress up for all of my children. I look forward to seeing what this little girl leans towards- super heroes? princesses? combination of both?

Elliana is by far my smallest baby of the three. At 3 months, she was around 12.5 pounds. She's hovering just under or right at 13 pounds now. Her cheeks are delicious, and she's getting some leg rolls. But she's still a little peanut. I'm not sure she will have doubled her birth weight by 4 months. Just so, so different from the boys. But we love every bit of her small self. 

This little cutie is so strong. She dominates tummy time. She's holding her head up so good these days. I keep saying she's going to be strong like her Mama. And yes, I do call myself strong. The boys continue to adore her, and we are all so thankful to have this little one with us. I can't believe how close we are to the 4 month sleep regression. Oh boy...

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