But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

5 Years of Isaac Dean

I cannot believe Isaac is five years old. To me, kids cross into a new world at five. They are of course still kids, but they are into childhood. The chubby cheeks are thinning or thinned. Their bodies are lean (though Isaac is as solid as they come). Their pronunciation is mostly right of every day words. Five year olds seem to have fully left behind their toddler days. 

Isaac is so quick to try new things. He is adventurous and brave, often saying yes before his brother will. Isaac learned to swim last spring/summer. Which was greatly appreciated in my final weeks of pregnancy and in the first month after Elliana was born. 

Isaac became a big brother! He's so protective of his little sister, and it's absolutely precious. These two were home together two days of the school week (up until the pandemic hit), and Isaac had genuine interest in being with her on those days. He often needs reassurance that Elliana does love him, laugh at him, etc when Nolan is playing with her. It can make me sad when I see these little insecurities surface in him, but we keep reiterating that she absolutely does love him, think he's funny, and enjoy him.

Isaac got to go to Disney again. My mother-in-law says that four is the magic age for kids to go to Disney. Even though it would mean going when Elliana was so little, we did it anyway. This kid. He did every ride he was tall enough for. He insisted he wanted to do Splash Mountain, even when his brother was chickening out. And he loved it. After the big drop at the end he said, "I wish it was faster!" Oh man! A little thrill seeker!! 

Isaac started school this year. He was in a young 4s class, which put him as the oldest kid by far. The school really wanted him to do pre-k, but I just wanted his first year to be fun. His teachers ADORED him. This was what I wanted more than anything. Learning letters and numbers was going to be a bonus. Isaac went three days a week, his class was a 4 day program, but I wanted him home an extra day. His teachers sang his praises all.year.long. They loved him so much. They organized a birthday parade for him, and I'm convinced its because they wanted to be able to see him. 

Isaac still is my little sidekick in the kitchen. He loves to bake with me, and this year I started noticing he was really learning. He's cracking eggs so well. He understands that dry ingredients and wet ingredients get measured separately. He knows we usually chill our cookie dough before baking it. I love doing this with him. It 100% slows me down and can sometimes try my patience, but I love that as soon as he hears me get my mixer out, he drags a chair to the island to get started (and then I send him to wash his hands).

Isaac can still be an emotional little guy. It can be hard to discern if he's just a sensitive dude or if he has some not so hidden motives of getting Nolan in trouble. This is certainly an area we're working on. Isaac is still taking a nap everyday unless there's a reason not to. Of our three kids, he's our champion sleeper. We rarely hear from the kid once we say goodnight. He is, however, still sucking his thumb at night. 

Isaac is an easy kid to enjoy. He's still silly and cuddly and absolutely a mama's boy. He's got a tender heart, and he hangs on Nolan's every word. He's quite the little athlete, and we are so bummed his soccer season ended so abruptly because of COVID-19. 

Five years of Isaac Dean Tomberlin! I'm so glad God placed him in our family. 

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