But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

How Can It Be 8?

 Dear Nolan, 

Eight years ago my torturously long labor finally came to an end, and you were born. You came into our lives and changed them forever. And somehow that tiny baby I held for the first time is now a big eight year old with missing teeth. While I wouldn't say time has flown, it does seem downright crazy that you have been ours for 8 years. 

You are such a smart kid. With the exception of math, school seemed effortless for you this past year. You really are like a sponge, soaking up information. I am sometimes stunned at your willingness to stay focused on a topic to learn all that you can. I gave you the paper plate award- Fact Master- because you want the facts. You want to challenge anything that contradicts what you've learned, and you will challenge anything. Except at school. 

One of the things I really, really love about you, buddy, is how much you care and love Elliana. You are a protective big brother to her, and I really do trust you to look out for her. She asks you pretty much every day to take her upstairs to play peekaboo in her room, and pretty much every day you oblige. You have such a tender heart towards her, and I love it. I think you both will miss each other when school starts in a couple of weeks. 

There are a lot of things that stand out to me about you, but one that happened recently, I want to remember. You probably won't. You found a small pad of paper, and you asked if you could have it. I asked why you wanted it, and you said that you wanted to write poem and songs to Jesus. Pretty effective way to get what you asked for because how I was going to tell you no? You haven't done much writing on the notepad, but one of the pages has a line written on it that says, "Jesus, you are my savior." I pray that you cling to Jesus for all your days. There's nothing else I want more for you than that. 

You are still incredibly fast, likable, and an avid animal lover! We're starting to notice you've got some wit, too. You have made me genuinely laugh out loud because of your clever comments and impressions. It's so fun to have you learn things like comedic timing. Definitely makes your dad proud! 

I love you so much, Nolan. I have failed you many times, and you always forgive me. I hope you know that I really do love you. I really do like you. I really do enjoy you. And I really am proud of you. 

I'm looking forward to another lap around the sun with you, Bud!

Love you forever!


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