But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, August 13, 2021

8 Years of Nolan

 Nolan Alex is eight years old! 

This past year Nolan did first grade at our public school. It was a very bizarre year in the midst of the pandemic, BUT! Nolan had an amazing teacher who really cared about him. He did really, really well in almost all areas of school, and we learned that he does not have a math brain. 

Nolan is CRAZY about animals and nature! He loves learning facts about any and all creatures. He is especially interested in reptiles right now. He has spent HOURS outside catching and releasing lizards. When we were at Lighthouse for a retreat, he caught 50+ lizards that week. 

Nolan, Isaac, and Adam have all become quite the fishermen. It all started during COVID, but they have come to really love it. Freezing cold, blazing hot- they will go. Nolan loves watching YouTube videos about fishing. He says he wants to grow up to "be a fisherman and catch bigger and better bass." That's what he wrote over and over in first grade when asked what he wanted to be when he's older. 

Nolan ADORES Elliana, and is a very, very good big brother to her. For the longest time Elliana called both boys, "Isaac." But she figured it out eventually and is quite fond of both her brothers, but Nolan is especially good with her. When Adam and I debated keeping Elliana in Georgia while the boys went to North Carolina during our anniversary trip, I ultimately decided she needed to stay with Nolan because she was so attached to him. I knew he would help her feel safe. 

Nolan is a super smart, very athletic kid. He really likes to be right. He gets along with pretty much everyone at school, and his teachers RAVE about him. He's such a good reader. He's still fast as lightning. He can down a hamburger. He's actually a great dancer, thanks to all of the go noodle dances he did at school. I love when he lets loose and starts dancing. He's starting to develop a good sense of humor and is getting the hang of comedic timing. He challenges me in so many ways, and I fail so often. I don't know if it's because he's the first or because we are prone to butt heads, but he sure does keep me humble. 

Oh, Nolan, you sure are cute!! I love you more than you'll ever know!

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