But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How I Got Here

Not that I have a multitude of readers, but it was requested that I share some of the details of how everything just fell into place for this move.

Around the time of my birthday I was playing some phone tag with a lady wanting to talk to me about potentially coaching at her daughter's school. She got my name from another FCC staffer, and in all honesty, I had no interest in coaching this team. Coaching is so time consuming, and I knew there was no way I could coach and have a job that would pay my bills.

I spoke with her on Tuesday the 10th, and she was thrilled that I was even considering the position [mind you- I really wasn't considering it]. I made it pretty clear that there would be no coaching unless I got a job that complimented the hours that coaching required. She quickly said, "Why don't you just apply for a job at this school?" This school is the largest Christian school in the state of Washington. She was confident I could find something.

About 10 minutes after I got off the phone with her, the athletic director of the school called me to chat about coaching and try to get to know me.

This conversation was probably one of the most significant pieces of the puzzle. I was so impressed with his kindness and care, and he apparently was surprised by my faith and courage to move to Seattle by myself. This caused me to take genuine interest in the school, and he immediately went to work finding a place for me.

On Thursday, I spoke with him again. He had tried to e-mail me 3 times, but he typed in my e-mail address wrong each time. By Friday, we had figured this out, and he sent me an application to coach and teach pre-school. I turned this in late Sunday night, all the while looking for morning jobs because I was fairly confident the preschool thing wasn't going to work out. They already had 2 applicants [with degrees] that completed the interview process, and the superintendent just needed to pick one.

On Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from the school's superintendent, and he said, "I'm wanting to hire you, but I need to have a formal interview with you. Are you free tomorrow?" Between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon, I filled out a much more in depth application, turned it in, and prayed that God would have His way. Wednesday's interview was...interesting. But in the end, he offered me a job teaching 4 year old preschool, 3 year old preschool, and the head coaching position at the high school.

The next day I was e-mailed a contract, and on Friday, I faxed in a signed copy of it. School starts on the 30th, and I arrive in Seattle on the 28th.

Yes, I'm a little stressed. Correct- I did not get to say bye to everyone I wanted to because my departure date had to be moved to 5 days sooner. My room? Oh it's a disaster right now.

But the above story, does not make sense. And I know that. There's no explanation for this superintendent hiring me, the younger, less qualified, cross-country applicant whom no one has met. Other than God is working things out in a way that cannot be explained. For a long time I thought I was moving to Seattle just for the sake of an adventure, but now I do believe this God has a much greater purpose in all of this. I'm excited for the journey ahead of me. I'm baffled and humbled by God's grace that has been poured out repeatedly in this process. I'm so grateful.

So- that's how I got here.
Tomorrow...it's go time!

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