But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I'm busy- story of my life.

Last weekend my parents came to visit me, and it was my favorite weekend in Seattle to date. The weather was gorgeous and perfect. This whole month we've had unusually (so they say) beautiful weather. We've had rain just a couple of times the entire month. I think I'm in for a rude awakening soon.

My parents are awesome! Their visit was entirely too fast, but I'm so grateful that they took the time to come. They overwhelmed me with their desire to help me and bless me. My mom volunteered in my classroom on Friday, and then left for the rest of the day. When I got home to my apartment, my cupboards and refrigerator were FILLED. Filled with food that I would never buy because I wouldn't have deemed them a necessity. I'm talking chips and salsa, hummus and carrots, wheat thins and laughing cow cheese spread- chipotle queso flavor, BLUEBERRIES, my favorite cream for my coffee, and the list could go on. Oh my gosh. Talk about spoiled.

I loved showing them Seattle in all of it's beauty. I got to take them to all the places that I don't have time to visit in my normal hectic schedule. It was awesome.

But most importantly, my parents listened to me. I know I dominated most of our conversations. It was the first time in a while I got to be really transparent and talk about what was going on right now. Someone actually cared to hear what God was teaching me and showing me. I got to receive wise counsel and get a little perspective on things (i.e. my spending habits- or lack of spending habits). I am so blessed to have parents who are still investing in my life and desire to point me to Jesus even at my ripe old age of 23! :)

And now I'm back to "normal." I'm experiencing some whiplash. When people ask me how I'm doing, they're really only looking for me to say, "Good!" Especially when they ask me as they're walking out the door. I'm back to building relationships with my co-workers and getting to know new people. These are good things. It was just nice to not be in that mode this weekend. Really nice.

This isn't a poor me session. I am abundantly blessed in so many ways. I'm just still transitioning to this new place. I continue to love, love, love all of the young people God has placed in my life. They range in age from 3-18, and I love that! I love going from 4 year olds to 11 year olds to 15 year olds all in the same day.

I'm thankful for my rich relationship with my parents who choose to bless me and love me in such a meaningful way.

I'm really looking forward to my next visitor who will be here in 20 days. Not that I'm counting or anything...

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