But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day

It's a snow day here...a wasted one, I might add. The roads were probably cleared around 8 am, but school was already canceled. This puts us at 2.5 snow days, and I'm really hoping for no more. See, if we go over our allotment, that means we'll be adding minutes to the end of our days OR adding days to the end of our school year.

Let me make it abundantly clear that I do NOT want these snow days delaying my summer vacation. I would rather go to school now and enjoy the full summer. After all, summers in Seattle are amazing!

Anyways, I started posting 3 times last week but was always interrupted. A snow day means that I have enough time to make this happen.

I came back to Seattle ready to be here- a true gift, if you ask me. After working 4 long days in Orlando, and I was eager to return to all that was waiting for me here. I had 14 cheerleaders and 33 preschoolers I couldn't wait to see!

My first week back was surprisingly great. I enjoyed my preschool classes, somehow managed to get decent amounts of sleep, and found my days filled with laughter and true joy as I settled back into life here. This is where I'm supposed to be right now. And I LOVE knowing that.

All of last week we were working on the letter P. I was excited about everything I had planned for my 4 year olds on Friday. We read The Princess And the Pea at Circle, and my kids were fully engulfed in the story- which I loved! Immediately following the story, everyone got to decorate their own crown while I played Disney songs from all of the princess movies. Before long I had 5 princesses and 6 princes. As we sang songs and played together, my heart was full and satisfied. I was experiencing that feeling of wanting to squeeze everything I could out of those moments. I wanted to fully experience what was happening yet step outside the moment so I could see it all happening.

I gave lots of hugs that day and shared big smiles. Even now I can't use good enough words to describe the simplicity of the perfection of that day.

After recess we had a picnic in our classroom with pancakes, pizza, pringles, and punch. Go big or go home, right? They were going to learn the letter P!

It was one of the best days of preschool. I'm sure it gets old to hear, but I never tire of saying it- I LOVE my preschoolers!

And one of my little guys announced to the class that I was his princess and would one day marry me! :)

On Saturday I took some time to be outside and enjoy the beautiful city I live in. I left my time back on the east coast well aware of the fact that several of my relationships had shifted, and I had really transitioned to a new place. My time back in the FCC world was good but different. Things have changed. I'm really moving on, and sometimes, I can't believe it. As I was at a new park on Saturday, loving my surroundings, I was so thankful for the place God has me- both literally and figuratively.

I left Atlanta asking the Lord to grow my faith and to awaken my heart to more of Him. Not every part of this journey is easy, but I love it right now.

"Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." Psalm 103:1-5

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