But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Very Good Monday

You know...most Mondays I go into the morning thinking, "You can do this, Marissa!" It's hard to come off a weekend, but it's even harder to come off a LONG weekend for the kiddos. They had Thursday and Friday off, but not I, swallowed the fly. We had a teacher conference. Yipee. BUT!! This Monday was good to me...

*Staff devotions made me laugh this morning. Not for an appropriate reason, which almost makes it funnier. We were singing a song, and I was trying to respectfully keep the laughter in and just smile.

*One of my kids who has struggled with his letters and sounds for several months now had his turn to be assessed by yours truly. And He. Kicked. Butt!!! I couldn't believe it! My excitement was growing with every correct answer, and I just couldn't hide my enthusiasm. The kids just kept looking at me, and I was seconds away from doing a cartwheel. My little guy was beaming! His mom has worked with him SO MUCH over the last couple of months, and she should be one proud mama right now.

*Three of my cheerleaders came to talk after school today just because they miss cheer. I don't miss cheer, but I miss them. So, I loved hearing their stories, laughing at their stupidness, and talking about next season. Those girls are why I'm at this school right now.

*I went to coffee with one of my cheerleaders today. It was delightful. My heart in coaching is not to turn them into decent cheerleaders; my heart is for discipleship. So, I try to meet with them one on one whenever the opportunity presents itself. This girl in particular wants to take a year after she graduates high school to go to Chile and serve the local church there. Her parents are not going to love me as I encourage her to do just that. The words, "I don't care about college. I just want people to know Jesus," came out of her mouth, and I smiled. Oh how careful I must be with the words I choose as I can so easily resonate with her heart's desires!

*And the greatest part of all: my friend and mom of one my cuties got GOOD news today. PRAISE THE LORD!! It's a benign cyst that is not requiring surgery right now. She will go to the doctor in another 2 weeks to establish a game plan, but for right now they are simply to rejoice in the wonderful news and celebrate God's grace, mercy, and power! HOW EXCITING!! She was overcome with emotion and so relieved! I'm so thankful for this positive report.

Monday, March 21st, you have been a winner!!

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