But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Teacher appreciation week is overwhelming!!

Everyday my students were bringing in gifts, and I just did NOT know what to do with myself. I am their preschool teacher. I mean, I personally value my time with them, but some of these parents went WAY above and WAY beyond with their outpouring of love and appreciation. I wish my camera was working so I could take a picture of my bounty.

13 kids brought me flowers. For a one bedroom apartment, that's a LOT of flowers!! It was quite interesting getting them all home too. Some of them are still at work because I just could not get them all safely transported.

I got cookbooks, gift cards, flip flops (these people know me well!), baked goods, storybooks, craft supplies, and a wide variety of other gift items. It was unbelievable. On Friday right before class was ending, all of the parents of my 4s class showed up to bless me with a gift basket and to say thank you. It was very kind. The kids were so cute because they thought it was my birthday each day. One little boy kept asking, "How old are you now, Miss Rodriguez?" He did not understand why I was getting so many presents if it was not my birthday!

Yesterday was also our West Fest carnival. The school sets up a carnival for the elementary students. My cheerleaders had 2 booths. Most of the other athletic teams had booths, as did clubs, classes, and ministries of the school. It was super fun! And totally sunny. I got sunburned!! I tried to get all of my preschoolers to come, and I saw SO MANY of them. It was wonderful. Some of them are genuinely confused to see me outside of my classroom, but most of them were genuinely excited to see their teacher dressed like a cowgirl at the carnival.

We have 3 weeks of school left. I'll see my 3s class 6 more times, and my 4s class 8 more times. When I think about it like that- it's unreal. My time with them is dwindling fast. Don't get me wrong: I'm PUMPED for summer!! I will, however, deeply miss their hugs and laughter. When I think about saying bye to those in my 4s class who are changing schools, I easily get tears in my eyes. June 10th will be filled with bittersweet emotions.

I love my kids so very much. It makes me sad that some of my little ones will go into kindergarten, and their teacher may not love Jesus. I want them to keep memorizing Scripture and praying before school starts, but I know this cannot be for some of them. I'm already praying that God cultivates what's been deposited in their hearts, and that they can continue to know the love of their Father.

I do hope we love our time together. I'm reminded of my desire for my Thailand kids to just be really well behaved for the last couple of weeks, so I didn't have to discipline them. I have similar sentiments. Can't we all just get along for the next 3 weeks?! Can we laugh a lot and disobey less? Can you hug me tightly and listen the first time? Please?

I am amazed at how much I love these kids. Teachers who have been teaching for years and years- how do you do this?

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