But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

79 Days

And definitely counting!

Just 79 more days until Adam and I get married. Perhaps that number makes my mom's insides tighten at everything that still needs to be done. I, on the other hand, longingly wish to see those numbers drop much faster.

When I fall asleep on the couch at 9:45 (party animal- look out!), I just want to walk to bed instead of getting in my car and driving home.

Instead of regularly transporting groceries and necessary kitchen utensils between our two kitchens, I'll be thrilled to have one kitchen to cook in and store all of our stuff.

I want to be confident that my day is going to start and end next to Adam.

I'm ready to build a home that is ours. I still have unpacked boxes and no pictures in my current residence because I knew I would be leaving soon. I'm so, so excited about sitting on a couch in my own apartment. It's a luxury, I tell you.

I'm eager to establish a routine that will work for us and go through that awkward transition of having a boy for a roommate. I'm anticipating it being awkward. Maybe it won't be. Adam is actually cleaner than I am, so maybe he'll be the one to go through an awkward transition.

I'm just so excited to start this next season together. There is a calm and confidence when I think about Adam as my husband. I know his heart is first the Lord's. I know he desires for us to serve the Lord and advance His kingdom wherever we are. I know that when we have kids- way, way down the road- he'll be a wonderful dad.

There's plenty of chaos in my life, but thankfully, Adam has been a source of strength, encouragement, and truth.

There are 79 days before we become man and wife.
December 17th will not come fast enough.

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