But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Raindrops on Roses...

My camera cord got smashed in the move back in December, so I haven't been able to upload pictures from my camera. But I finally got a new one! These are some things worth sharing...

Yes, this is the view outside our townhouse. I don't have a great camera, so it doesn't really do it justice.

I know, I know...it's annoying how photogenic he is. Notice the blue skies!

Hanging wedding pictures over Spring Break was a must for us. All of these frames were given to us, and we finally had time to fill them. My craft project from Michael's is that lovely 12-17-11 sign.

I never thought I would be one to skip the convenience of store bought items like cakes in a box, rolls, pizza crust, etc. But, I've been on a kick of making things from scratch, and these dinner rolls were so delightful!

Hello, Seattle! This is taken from Gasworks Park, one of my most favorite places to land in Seattle for a couple of hours. Adam and I just sat on the lawn for a long time on this gorgeous, sunny day.

Adam does not like to cook, but he does offer his assistance often. Unfortunately, if there are onions to chop in a recipe, that ends up being his job. He wants goggles to stop him from crying.

My amazing friend is on the World Race right now. She's in month 8 of 11. During the week of the letter W, I talked to my class about my friend and how she needed our encouragement and prayers. So, we took this picture to let her know we were cheering her on!

Lastly, my dishes just make me happy! We registered for 2 place settings of multiple sets of dishes. Some are square, some are round, some are solid, some have prints. But I love the colors, and I love opening my cupboards and seeing this! There's one set of dishes not pictured that I also love! :)

These are a few of my favorite things right now!

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