But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Remembering Our Wedding

Adam and I are in Lexington for his buddy's wedding. Adam's in it, and he has to wear a pink bow tie-- just for the record. But we were at the rehearsal last night, and it's taking place on the bride's parents' farm. So, they have big open fields, and the ceremony itself is taking place under some trees. 

After the rehearsal, Adam came up to me and said, "Are you totally jealous of this right now?" And I looked at him and laughed. 

"One hundred times, no!"

For so many reasons, my answer is no. 

I smiled and looked at him while asking, "Do you see any kids running around here?" 

No, no kids at this wedding. And my wedding probably had far more kids than "normal," but I say it all the time, one of the best things about that day were the kids there.

When I brought my dress home to Atlanta during Thanksgiving, my precious niece Ryann insisted that I put it on. Naturally for me, I had no desire to do this. Partly because I was genuinely terrified of it not fitting and partially because I'm me. And in general, I HATE trying clothes on. Even if it's my wedding dress. 

But, it's Ryann. So, I put it on. This girl is fascinated by princesses, pretty things, and all things girly. She wants to dance with a prince, wear high heels, and put "lips" on (lip gloss). Her cute little face lit up as she saw me, and she immediately grabbed the train to help me walk down the stairs to show her mom. Along the way, she'd say, "Careful, Blue! Careful with your dress!" 

She crawled under it as my sister tried to bustle it. She stood back and watched with wide eyed glee. Which made the whole effort of putting the dress on 100% worth it. 

The day of my wedding, Ryann was ready to put her dress on about 5 minutes after she woke up. In fact, she was ready to through a fit when her dad said no. 

So, as the day progressed and she and I both got in our dresses, she made the magic of the day all the sweeter. She looked me over from head to toe, and I loved every second of watching her experience this. When we were outside taking pictures, she would still try to grab my train to fix it and make it "easier" for me to walk. 

And don't be mistaken, she liked to twirl in her white dress, and it's Ryann. So, she was ready to dance and ready to run in a second's notice. 

During the ceremony, Adam and I could hear her whispering to my mom, and we squeezed each other's hand and smiled. Ryann couldn't just witness it all, she needed to ask questions and talk about it. 

She hit the dance floor hard at the reception, and she danced harder and longer than anyone there. 

I confess that I'm totally smitten by little Ryann Grace. I think we all are, and I could not possibly imagine my wedding day without her there. 

When we got our pictures back from the photographer, I instantly fell in love with this picture.

And when I stare at it, it still makes me tear up a little. We were ready to get the show on the road, and I started trying to get everyone lined up, ready to go. And this was a totally candid moment, when Ryann was just holding the train of my dress and looking on. 

Because I look at this picture and see the quintessential snapshot of a little girl. All dolled up in a pretty dress, watching in amazement as a wedding happens right before her. The desire of every female to be loved, cherished, and pursued. To captivate the heart, eyes, and very being of a man is wired deep within. 

I have 2 preschool classes of little girls utterly fascinated by the concept of a prince choosing his princess. 

My little girls sat and watched my wedding pictures until I forced them to go play, so I could put my computer away. 

And as I watched my wedding happen through Ryann's eyes, and I saw my kiddos' fascination with my pictures, I wanted to try to do something to protect their hearts.

I want to hold all of them and tell them that Jesus is all they need. He will rescue their hearts and bestow beauty upon them. Only He can truly satisfy the longings of your hearts. And please, please, for the love, PLEASE, look to Jesus to be everything you're looking for. Don't look for it in a boy or even a prince. 

I want their Daddies to love them and develop confidence and worth in them. I want them to know they are loved, wanted, and beautiful in the eyes of their Father. 

I want them to experience true freedom.

And know great joy.

And one day, if there's ever a man good enough, I want them to walk down the aisle to a man who's going to push them towards Jesus.

I realize that it probably doesn't seem like very long ago that I was one of these little girls. Which scares me to think that their big days will be here sooner than I can possibly imagine.

There was lots of awesomeness in my wedding day. And the kids just made it all the more sweet. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for allowing me to read your heart. I read it through a earthly father's heart and felt :) your words. You clearly have seen your earthly father's heart, but more importantly the Father's heart in heaven.
