But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quick Update

We're in transition, yet again. In new territory, yet again. 

For the first time since we've been married, Adam's working full time, and I've got my full work schedule plus my coaching demands. Not to mention, Adam is training the CP football team twice a week. We're figuring it out. 

This is an exhausting part of the school year, as my classes and I are still figuring each other out. My team is definitely keeping me on my toes. This results in a very tired Marissa on most days of the week.

Last week, Adam talked to me about how he wanted us to balance our weekends to be productive yet relaxing, and to not let this season of our lives pass us by without taking advantage of it. 

I think we embodied that balance this weekend. Lots of laundry, some wood chopping, a movie watched, a date night, and a great time hiking this afternoon. Church was really great and thought provoking this morning, and I have a whole different post for that.

As we're approaching the 9 month marker of marriage for us, we keep remembering where we were at last year at this time. It's usually accompanied with heavy sighs and comments like, "I'm so glad we're married now." I don't think I could ever say it enough; I'm so thankful for my husband. 

Even though everything about where we live isn't ideal, we do live in a beautiful city that provides lots of parks and places to explore. 

We know that fall is coming, and that means the rain is coming, too. So we have to take full advantage of our last few weeks of basically perfect weather.

It was a good weekend. Not to mention (but definitely worth mentioning), my nieces and sister in-law made me a video, and I will watch it everyday this week because I miss them like crazy. 

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