But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ding! Round 3!!

And just like that the chaos of school is back in my life. Getting to the school around 7. Getting home around 6. The first week was exhausting. To top it off, we had an away football game on Friday and a 4 hour practice on Saturday. What crazy coach planned that?!

My preschoolers look tinier than they did last year. The sixth graders definitely look smaller. The beginning of the year takes so much effort to establish our routine and make my expectations clear. And I’m at this place where I’m asking, “Did I really sign myself up for another year of this?” 

When parents find out this is my third year, they seem to have some confidence in my abilities as a teacher. Thinking, “Surely if she was terrible at this, they wouldn’t ask her back for a third year.” I’m operating on the same assumption, people.  

One of my preschoolers has special needs and requires a personal aide in the classroom. Upon learning about this, I had a minor panic attack. What if they find out I have zero formal training in early childhood education? What if they asked for my “professional” input regarding his progress? What if the aide reported back to the parents that their child is, in fact, in the care of a crazy person? What if, what if, what if? 

When I expressed my concerns to my lead teacher who has like 3 degrees (seriously, she’s got 2 undergrads and a masters and 30+ years of experience), she told me she was confident that this little boy was placed in the right classroom. I stared back at her unconvinced. 

And so, I’m looking to the Source to fill me to overflowing with love, patience, kindness, and gentleness. I’m trusting that He will fill in all the gaps along the way, and we’re going to have a wonderful year together.

On the way back from our football game, my team was on this little bus, exhausted from the week/day, but they were having a great time. They started singing worship songs together, and in that moment, I was 100% confident that I was right where I was supposed to be. As I coach these girls- their hearts included- I’m grateful for the opportunities to point them to Jesus and speak Truth over their lives. I’m grateful for my senior leadership who know the importance of leaving a legacy. I’m grateful that it’s only September, and I have 6 months ahead of me with this team. 

As I stood at church yesterday, I once again was filled to the brim with thankfulness that God has positioned me to have this team entrusted into my care. To have these preschoolers in my classroom. To have this school year to be a person of influence in all the students’ lives that I work with. And I hope I steward it well. 

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